karim-vancouver: enters the chatroom. karim-vancouver: hi all karim-vancouver: In the immortal words of Pink Floyd - Is there anybody out there??? karim-vancouver: back soon Chuck-Baltimore: enters the chatroom. Lucy-Atlanta: enters the chatroom. Chuck-Baltimore: hello Lucy Lucy-Atlanta: Hi Karim & Chuck Lucy-Atlanta: People were arriving at 1.30 so told them to get off Chuck-Baltimore: I took your advice and checked in a half hour early Lucy-Atlanta: incase Paul could not get in due to many fans Lucy-Atlanta: but you can stay now Chuck-Baltimore: thank you Chuck-Baltimore: Lucy, anything new? Lucy-Atlanta: well maybe Paul will need to turn up early Chuck-Baltimore: that would be cool! Lucy-Atlanta: it would be awful if he coulnt get in Lucy-Atlanta: yes Chuck Lucy-Atlanta: I think Bad Co have a new bass player Chuck-Baltimore: that would be uncool! Lucy-Atlanta: but its not confirmed Chuck-Baltimore: who is it? Lucy-Atlanta: well its JAZ Lochrie Lucy-Atlanta: super bass player Chuck-Baltimore: all right! Eileen-New Jersey: enters the chatroom. Lucy-Atlanta: Hi Eileen Chuck-Baltimore: I saw him with Paul in '97 on the Now tour Lucy-Atlanta: how goes it karim-vancouver: Hi Lucy...I'm back.. Had to get a cuppa Lucy-Atlanta: right Chuck Lucy-Atlanta: he is on the NOW cd Lucy-Atlanta: must get your cuppa Karim :-) Chuck-Baltimore: Now all we need is Geoff Whitehorne Eileen-New Jersey: Hi! Everyone Chuck-Baltimore: hello Eileen Volker-Germany: enters the chatroom. Lucy-Atlanta: So what do you think of the new CHat room Volker-Germany: Hi there Lucy-Atlanta: is it better than the last or no different ? Eileen-New Jersey: Hi everone! Lucy-Atlanta: Hi Volker karim-vancouver: yes, only an English woman could relate to a cuppa Chuck-Baltimore: hey is this gonna be SRO? Lucy-Atlanta: Good to see you on Volker-Germany: Hi there karim-vancouver: It's gonna be fun!! Lucy-Atlanta: Karim you can say that again but dont karim-vancouver: yeah let's not waste bandwith Volker-Germany: it's worse...least I can't see too many lines Chuck-Baltimore: Quite exciting!!! Lucy-Atlanta: Vloker do you mean its too slow or to small Volker-Germany: When will Paul be on LUCY? Volker-Germany: too small I'd say Lucy-Atlanta: He is coming around 3pm my time Lucy-Atlanta: 25 mins time Volker-Germany: bout 20 min. right? Lucy-Atlanta: Small with the amount of lines Chuck-Baltimore: and the tension mounts...... karim-vancouver: anything new musically from the great PR? Volker-Germany: and unconventional....i mean newest message on top!!!??? Lucy-Atlanta: I want fans to be happy with this room Lucy-Atlanta: well thats ok Chuck-Baltimore: I'm happy Lucy-Atlanta: Karim.......did you see the show list? Lucy-Atlanta: Mostly on the west coast karim-vancouver: the room is great Lucy. Simple and uncluttered Volker-Germany: think one gotta get used to it.... Lucy-Atlanta: and I think they meant to put its happening in Jan not Dec Lucy-Atlanta: I hope so Volker Lucy-Atlanta: :-)) karim-vancouver: No I have not seen it (the show list) Chuck-Baltimore: Just when is the cd/dvd going to be released? Lucy-Atlanta: Thanks KArim Volker-Germany: what about that new DVD/CD live???...is it from 1999...or upcoming tour???...LUCY? Chuck-Baltimore: upcoming tour Lucy-Atlanta: I think it will be new Lucy-Atlanta: but we can ask Paul that Chuck-Baltimore: I was led to believe that was the purpose of the tour karim-vancouver: We need new material!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lucy-Atlanta: Rick Wills it out I think Volker-Germany: i had that intention...yepo...but you might have known...so Lucy-Atlanta: and Jaz Lochrie in Lucy-Atlanta: Please can you all do me a favor Chuck-Baltimore: Has Paul ever given serious thought to a reunion of Free with someone standing in for Koss? Chuck-Baltimore: you've got to be pulling my leg!!! Chuck-Baltimore: Yes, yes Willy - MD.: enters the chatroom. Volker-Germany: think Paul's got a wide range of fans...Free...Bad Co...Firm...Solo... Lucy-Atlanta: exactly Volker Volker-Germany: doesn't make things easy to decide Chuck-Baltimore: no problem! Lucy-Atlanta: HALLO WILLY Lucy-Atlanta: oh my is that My WIlly Ennio-Toronto: enters the chatroom. Willy - MD.: hi ya lucy -- long time, eh? Lucy-Atlanta: Hi Ennio Chuck-Baltimore: hello ennio Ennio-Toronto: Hello Room Lucy-Atlanta: Oh WIlly great to see you Ennio-Toronto: Hi Lucy Volker-Germany: hi Ennio..Willy Lucy-Atlanta: man I miss ya..........where have you been hiding Willy - MD.: am finally home to see this! Ennio-Toronto: Hi Chuck Chuck-Baltimore: Willy from Maryland, I take it? what part? Lucy-Atlanta: Willy you make sure you send me your latest email address ok Ennio-Toronto: Hi Volker campbell scotland: enters the chatroom. Lam17 Ohio: enters the chatroom. Volker-Germany: hi campbell Willy - MD.: lutherville at the moment but will move to a new house in Elkridge Lucy-Atlanta: Hi Campbell Volker-Germany: hi Llam ShelleyK-Central NY: enters the chatroom. AmyWatts-NC: enters the chatroom. Lucy-Atlanta: Good to see you mate Chuck-Baltimore: I'm stuck in Dundalk! Lucy-Atlanta: Oh oh fans are coming Lucy-Atlanta: Hi Shelley Lucy-Atlanta: Hi Amy AmyWatts-NC: Hi Lucy! Lam17 Ohio: hi everyone campbell scotland: hi lucy Chuck-Baltimore: it's getting crowded! Willy - MD.: Hi Chuck - just ate in Squires in Dundalk - good food. AlMayer - NC: enters the chatroom. Chuck-Baltimore: not bad! Lam17 Ohio: i like the new chat room Sandy-Texas: enters the chatroom. Lucy-Atlanta: Let me ask Robert to get connected he will be please to see you all too Lucy-Atlanta: great to see you all ShelleyK-Central NY: Hi Lucy, I had quite a tossle on my hands getting my daughter to give up the computer for a while Lucy-Atlanta: its like a family get together Sandy-Texas: Hello:) neil & bonnie nova scotia: enters the chatroom. Lucy-Atlanta: Hi Sandy Lucy-Atlanta: Hi Bonnie Lucy-Atlanta: and Hi Neil Sandy-Texas: Hi Lucy, Hi Everyone karim-vancouver: From all parts of the world. Chuck-Baltimore: A regular Free-for-all LOL Ennio-Toronto: Hi Sandy :-) neil & bonnie nova scotia: hi luc y an d everybody Volker-Germany: will there be a transcript...LUCY? Sandy-Texas: Hi Ennio:) karim-vancouver: Groan Chuck!! Lucy-Atlanta: yes transcripts will be availble Lucy-Atlanta: OK David Clayton is on his way Lucy-Atlanta: cool Chuck-Baltimore: hello to everyone Sandy-Texas: Cool :) Mick -Yorkshire: enters the chatroom. Lewy. Uk: enters the chatroom. Chuck-Baltimore: 'ello, Mick ShelleyK-Central NY: It is so grea t Lucy, the amazing line-up of chat guests that you have, thanks for all your hard work. Lucy-Atlanta: Hi Mick fro Yorkshire Mike-Washington: enters the chatroom. Sandy-Texas: Yes, Thank you Lucy, for setting this up Lucy-Atlanta: I think the more I get the more people will want to come neil & bonnie nova scotia: thanks lucy for all your hard work Sandy-Texas: This is a special treat:) Lucy-Atlanta: also this chat room is private and no one else can use it Mick -Yorkshire: Hello Lucy, looks like there are only 3 Brits here Chuck-Baltimore: I think we're all very grateful to Lucy! Lucy-Atlanta: just for the fans. So you can meet here with your other free Bad Co fans are chat Lucy-Atlanta: just for the fans. So you can meet here with your other free Bad Co fans are chatanytime Sandy-Texas: Ditto:))) Mick -Yorkshire: This is a wonderful site, i only found it yesterday Lucy-Atlanta: If you like we can start 8pm chat nightly AmyWatts-NC: Thank you so much Lucy---this is great!!!! Alex - Russia: enters the chatroom. Chuck-Baltimore: hello Alex Volker-Germany: been there on sundays...but noone was around ... Lucy-Atlanta: Hallo Alex karim-vancouver: How many Canadians, eh? Lucy-Atlanta: from Russia Lucy-Atlanta: where in Russia are you Lucy-Atlanta: Hi Mike in Washington Irene-Upper Michigan: enters the chatroom. neil & bonnie nova scotia: karim another canuck here eh Alex - Russia: Hi Lucy ! Thank you for a good chance Chuck-Baltimore: is that Washington DC? Mick -Yorkshire: hello Irene Lucy-Atlanta: Hi again Irene Volker-Germany: hi Irene Irene-Upper Michigan: Hi Lucy...hey Volker! Irene-Upper Michigan: Hi Mick Mike-Washington: Hello, All. Did I get it right? PR in 5 min? Lucy-Atlanta: sure did Mike Lucy-Atlanta: I will give you warning when he comes DEBANDFRED: enters the chatroom. karim-vancouver: Looks like we have 3 Canucks. that's 2 americans with the exchange Chuck-Baltimore: All Right Now!!! Irene-Upper Michigan: nice group in here so far Lucy-Atlanta: Hi Debanfred Alex - Russia: Lucy, I live in Rostov-on-Don Irene-Upper Michigan: lol Willy - MD.: so, Lucy, is PR gonna sit next to you by your computer>?? Judi-PA: enters the chatroom. Ennio-Toronto: he he Karim Mick -Yorkshire: we're so happy together !!! Irene-Upper Michigan: willy....are you willybam? addy-the netherlands: enters the chatroom. Lucy-Atlanta: Hi Judi in PA. Where in PA are you Volker-Germany: Turtles...mick? Ennio-Toronto: Hello Addy Chuck-Baltimore: hello addy Lucy-Atlanta: Hallo Addy addy-the netherlands: hi everybody neil & bonnie nova scotia: hello addy karim-vancouver: Hey ennio - love your site.... Mick -Yorkshire: Volker wow All Right Now Volker-Germany: Hi Addy...! Judi-PA: Hi, near Pittsburgh here DEBANDFRED: Hi.Forgot to add "from Liverpool,England" campbell scotland: hi addy Volker-Germany: Frtee? Volker-Germany: lol Chuck-Baltimore: ennio does have a great site! DAWN/BOSTON: enters the chatroom. Volker-Germany: -t addy-the netherlands: volker how R U Mick -Yorkshire: yes addy-the netherlands: campbell how R U DAWN/BOSTON: hi EVERYONE! Volker-Germany: fine thx...you tooك Lucy-Atlanta: Hallo Dawn from BOSTON neil & bonnie nova scotia: lucy where will Paul be joining us from Irene-Upper Michigan: heya Dawn! Mike-Washington: enters the chatroom. Ennio-Toronto: Hi Dawn DAWN/BOSTON: OH MAN I AM SHAKING!! Lewy. Uk: logs off. Irene-Upper Michigan: calm down, Dawn...lol neil & bonnie nova scotia: hi dawn Chuck-Baltimore: calm down girl Sandy-Texas: Very exciting!! ian murdoch from middlesbrough: enters the chatroom. DAWN/BOSTON: I CANT!!!!!! ASK LUCY! AmyWatts-NC: My heart is about to pound out of my chest T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): enters the chatroom. Chuck-Baltimore: yes, very exciting indeed! campbell scotland: im ok addy got to go to work in a hour Mick -Yorkshire: hi ian Ennio-Toronto: got wild fire Dawn :-) ? Irene-Upper Michigan: I feel the same, Dawn Steve: enters the chatroom. Irene-Upper Michigan: am I still here? T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): Hi Mick DAWN/BOSTON: O YEAH!;-) Steve: enters the chatroom. ian murdoch from middlesbrough: enters the chatroom. Irene-Upper Michigan: ok...thought I got logged off karim-vancouver: enters the chatroom. Volker-Germany: ok ShelleyK-Central NY: hi Dawn from Boston, I was there only once, nice town, very busy! AlMayer - NC: enters the chatroom. Steve: Forgot to add, "Wales" UK! lam17: enters the chatroom. DAWN/BOSTON: OH THANX IT is cold and snowy today! Irene-Upper Michigan: Hi Al Volker-Germany: what entrances...lol Ennio-Toronto: Hi AL karim-vancouver: I'm back - somebady kicked me out... Eileen- New Jersey: enters the chatroom. AlMayer - NC: Hey whaas up Volker-Germany: think we all had a flight lam17: yeah, me too Volker-Germany: though short... Judy: enters the chatroom. Chuck-Baltimore: blimey, I got thrown off! Eileen- New Jersey: me too\ ian murdoch from middlesbrough: hi steve i now live in anglesey wales uk DAWN/BOSTON: Boston would be better if PAUL would visit!!!! Volker-Germany: clicked refresh...and there i was again... Lucy-Atlanta: enters the chatroom. Irene-Upper Michigan: i just clicked my back button and got back on DAWN/BOSTON: me too lam17: did it happen to you too Chuck-Baltimore: Lucy, it's getting crowded Steve: Hi Ian. South Wales. (Bridgend. Mid Glam) DAWN/BOSTON: zap Eileen Lucy-Atlanta: yes I got kicked off Steve: Me too! Lucy-Atlanta: maybe overloaded Irene-Upper Michigan: chat rooms are so touchy, aren't they Chuck-Baltimore: has the master arrived yet? DAWN/BOSTON: that is what i am listoning to!! over loaded!! Scotty - California: enters the chatroom. B&G: enters the chatroom. neil & bonnie nova scotia: testing ShelleyK-Central NY: I loved the look into the Allright now office Lucy, we all got to see where all this starts. Isabelle-France: enters the chatroom. Irene-Upper Michigan: hey Scotty AmyWatts-NC: oh God I hope this doesn't crash Colette - Liverpool: enters the chatroom. ian murdoch from middlesbrough: hi steve i have relatives in coty Scotty - California: heelo all Judy: What's up Scotty? Isabelle-France: Hello everybody Mike - Oxford, UK: enters the chatroom. ShelleyK-Central NY: Hey Colette, is that Liverpool New York? Scotty - California: hi judy Steve: Are you kiddin'! 2 miles from me! Chuck-Baltimore: hello, all Volker-Germany: beam me up..... Lucy-Atlanta: Well if it crashes then we must try and get back on Lucy-Atlanta: it sure is on OVERLOAD Sandy-Texas: Wow!! So many people:)) Very COOL!! Lucy-Atlanta: Hi Bess and Gary Colette - Liverpool: greetings from liverpool, Lucy, Paul and all Scotty - California: just checking in and hopefully get to say hi Lucy-Atlanta: ATTENTION Irene-Upper Michigan: time? Pilsbury: enters the chatroom. Lucy-Atlanta: TO STOP THIS CRASHING DUE TO THE QUANTITY OF PEOPLE STOP TALKING NOW AND WAIT FOR PAUL T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): We want paul back in the U.K. sorry USA/Canada Sandy-Texas: Hi Bess and Gary Lucy-Atlanta: I WILL TALK TO CALM DOWN THE CHAT ROOM Lucy-Atlanta: HI DAVID CLAYTON ian murdoch from middlesbrough: Steve Tudor the butchers and the evan family at simonstone farm B&G: Hello Sandy Pilsbury: Hi Lucy Steve: LoL @ T-shirt! Lucy-Atlanta: WELCOME TO THE MAD HOUSE Lucy-Atlanta: THATS A BIT BETTER NOW T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): Who are you Steve? Sandy-Texas: B & G--I was hoping to meet you in SC Steve: I know where it is Ian Sandy-Texas: Missed ya both:( Lucy-Atlanta: GOT YOU ALL UNDER CONTROL NOW Lucy-Atlanta: EVERYONE STOP TALKING Lucy-Atlanta: PHEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alan-London: enters the chatroom. Lucy-Atlanta: YOU ALL LOOK SO FUNNY THERE SITTING AND WAITING DOING NOTHING Lucy-Atlanta: OK Lucy-Atlanta: HERE HE COMES Lucy-Atlanta: ARE YOU READY Lucy-Atlanta: STEADY Steve: YEAH!!!!! Lucy-Atlanta: HE IS COMING Mike-Washington: All Right now. Lucy-Atlanta: UP THE STAIRS Lucy-Atlanta: SMILING FROM HEAD TO TOE Lucy-Atlanta: WE WELCOME MR PAUL RODGERS Chuck-Baltimore: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Lucy-Atlanta: CLAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Volker-Germany: head down to his feet... PAUL RODGERS: enters the chatroom. Isabelle-France: yes of course !!! karim-vancouver: thunderous applause Steve: CLAP!!!!!!! Chuck-Baltimore: hellooooooo, Paul!!! Ennio-Toronto: Heyyyyyyy Paul!! Irene-Upper Michigan: welcome, Paul! Volker-Germany: Heeeeeey. welcome lam17: Hi Paul addy-the netherlands: clap !!!!! Mick -Yorkshire: crescendo !!! Sandy-Texas: Hello Paul Rodgers:) Lucy-Atlanta: WE WELCOME PAUL TO THE CHAT ROOM Scotty - California: cheers paul AlMayer - NC: OH YES karim-vancouver: yahoo!! Isabelle-France: bravo, bravo, bravo hello from France Paul Mike-Washington: Greetings. ShelleyK-Central NY: Hi Paul, from beautiful Central New York! PAUL RODGERS: WOW THANKS EVERYBODY neil & bonnie nova scotia: good day eh from nova scotia addy-the netherlands: hi paul from holland AmyWatts-NC: Good afternoon, Paul! Irene-Upper Michigan: thanks for taking time out to chat with us! Alan-London: LoLv T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): enters the chatroom. Sandy-Texas: Yes...thank you Paul Volker-Germany: as time passes we should ask questions!!! Scotty - California: yes indeed DAWN/BOSTON: HI PAUL! YOUR #1 FAN DAWN, PLEASE COME TO BOSTON SOON! Lucy-Atlanta: OK EVERYONE STOP TALKING AND LET PAUL TALK Volker-Germany: what about that new DVD/CD...Live...is it from forthcomin gigs or older??? PAUL RODGERS: ASK AWAY Mike-Washington: Paul, do you warm up? What does a warmup consist of? How long do you warmup? Colette - Liverpool: HI ! PAUL FROM THE BANKS OF THE RIVER MERSEY lam17: What will be new for 2002? campbell scotland: paul any chance of bad co uk dates Chuck-Baltimore: Paul are you working on anything new ? T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): When are you coming back to the UK? addy-the netherlands: any dates in holland/europe ? Eileen- New Jersey: New material? neil & bonnie nova scotia: do you remember what inspired you to write easy on my soul? AmyWatts-NC: You often say that Otis Redding was a major influence for you, I would like to know if you were also influence by Marvin Gaye, or Motown artists such as Smokey Robinson, etc.? ian murdoch from middlesbrough: enters the chatroom. ShelleyK-Central NY: Did you have any favorite shows from this past summer tour? Volker-Germany: right addy Lucy-Atlanta: OK LET PAUL REPLY Alan-London: Paul. What about some live dates in the Uk for 2002. maybe when your'e singing for Tony karim-vancouver: New material (this is not an echo)? PAUL RODGERS: THE BAD CO TOUR IN JANUARY IS BUILT AROUND RECORDING THE DVD AND LIVE CD.WE WILL ALSO INCLUDE 2 NEW SINGLES THAT WE WILL RELEASE TO RADIO IN MAY THE DVD/CD WILL BE AVAILABLE IN MAY AS WELL Sandy-Texas: Thanks so much for coming to San Antonio...The Bad Co. concert was wonderful!!! Irene-Upper Michigan: fantastic...can't wait! Vicki: enters the chatroom. Steve. "Wales. UK"): enters the chatroom. Volker-Germany: thx paul Mike-Washington: Paul, how has your voice changed over the years? Do you feel like you've lost any power or range? karim-vancouver: Paul, how about doing an acoustic or unplugged show? Lucy-Atlanta: EVERYONE STOP FOR 40 SECONDS TO GIVE PAUL AN CHANCE TO REPLY Steve. "Wales. UK"): logs off. Lucy-Atlanta: We would love to see you in a accustic show. ANy chance DAWN/BOSTON: , Chuck-Baltimore: hey Mike, are you kidding PAUL RODGERS: NO ONE IN PARTICULAR INSPIRED EASY ON MY SOUL IT IS A MESSAGE OF LOVE Steve. "Wales. UK"): enters the chatroom. Sandy-Texas: How beautiful Volker-Germany: WE Europeans feel a little out of fortune (no gigs planned?) PAUL RODGERS: OKLAHOMA STANDS OUT BUT JUST SLIGHTLY AS WE HAD A GREAT TOUR AND TIME Alex - Russia: Paul, I assume, you have something to say the British progressive blues scene of the `60 that you were a part of ? Lucy-Atlanta: What is your plan for 2002???? Sven: enters the chatroom. Sven: Hey all Irene-Upper Michigan: we enjoyed your show in Iron Mountain! PAUL RODGERS: I FEEL THAT I HAVE MELLOWED AS A PERSON AND THAT THAT SHOWS IN MY VOICE BUT I'LD LIKE TO BELIEVE THAT MY POWER AND RANGE HAS ACTUALLY IMPROVED Cathie. United Kingdom: enters the chatroom. Mike-Washington: Paul, what other living singers do you listen to? Willy - MD.: I know that you have written a lot of your own songs. Can you tell us a little about your writing process -- how you record your ideas and refine them? Lucy-Atlanta: HEY GUESS WHAT ?? WE LOVE YOU PAUL Judy: How did you feel being a part of VFA? PAUL RODGERS: I'LD LOVE TO DO AN ACOUSTIC/UNPLUGGED IF THERE WAS A DEMAND.UNTIL THEN I WILL KEEP INCLUDING ACOUSTIC NUMBERS IN THE SET neil & bonnie nova scotia: how did you and Jess Roden get together for molten gold..any plans for the future with him? DAWN/BOSTON: OH YES WE DO!!!! ShelleyK-Central NY: I have to thank you Paul for letting me give you a hug after the Tinley Park show this July, sorry I coudn't talk. Sven: Paul any chance of coming to Australia with BadCo. Sandy-Texas: YES!!! WE LOVE YOU PAUL!!!! Irene-Upper Michigan: in what you've done musicly, what are you the most satisfied with? Lucy-Atlanta: We want unplugged dont we fans???????? Tammy - South Carolina: enters the chatroom. AmyWatts-NC: YES!!!!!!! DAWN/BOSTON: YES@! UNPLUGGED! YES YES! Volker-Germany: Ever thought of doin a XMAS record like Lynyrd Skynyrd did ( meaning not those traditionmnals...but xmas themes) Irene-Upper Michigan: yes....acoustic, acoustic! Willy - MD.: acoustic acoustic acoustic acoustic!!!! Mick -Yorkshire: ABSOLUTELY PAUL RODGERS: MY PLAN FOR 2002 LIVE DVD AND CD WITH BC.THERE ARE A LOT OF REQUESTS COMING IN FOR SOLO DATES BUT MOST LIKELY A US SUMMER TOUR WITH BC AND SOME SOLO DATES.MAYBE THE UK IN THE FALL OF 2002 T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): You still make our hearts miss a beat, no mean feat after all these years, thank you Chuck-Baltimore: yes, Paul give us an unplugged show! Sandy-Texas: Will you tour again in 2002? DEBANDFRED: Yes Scotty - California: cheers Paul, thanks again for your time. I recently read an interveiw with Mick Ralphs that I found on the internet. Mick was asked if there was a chance that he would someday join back up with the band? He said that he would love toget back with the boys again someday. He stated that he talsk with you alot and sends you new songs. What do you think of doing something new with Mick and could we see anything in the way of some new Bad Co tunes in the near future? See you and the boys at Konocti in a few weeks. Irene-Upper Michigan: Neal Schon put out a great instrumental holiday album...all that is missing is your voice! PAUL RODGERS: LET ME REVIEW TO MAKE SURE THAT I HAVE ANSWERED ALL THE QUESTION PLEASE GIVE ME A MOMENT Alan-London: If you did an unplugged they'd stop doing it after your show. It could not be bettered ShelleyK-Central NY: Will you be playing at The House of Blues in Chicago? Also, please come to Central New York again this summer. Mike-Washington: Paul, do you need to warm up b4 a performance? What does a warmup consist of? How long do you warmup? Lucy-Atlanta: GIVE PAUL A CHANCE TO REPLY. STOP FOR A WHILE Isabelle-France: enters the chatroom. Chuck-Baltimore: Paul, is it possible that we could hear some Stax/Volt covers in the near future? T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): Paul where did 'sharing the same dream' come from? Daniel: enters the chatroom. Steve Wales, Uk: enters the chatroom. PAUL RODGERS: THE CURRENT BC TOURING LINE UP WILL BE MYSELF SIMON KIRKE, BUCKET AND JAZ LOCHRIE WHO I HAVE WORKED WITH AS A SOLO ARTIST BOTH MICK AND BOZ HAVE ELECTED TO STAY HOME FOR THE TIME BEING BUT MICK AND I DO TALK ALOT AND WE TALKING ABOUT WRITING TOGETHER FOR A STUDIO ALBUM AT THE END OF THE YEAR WHICH MICK WILL PROBABLY TAKE PART IN AND HOPEFULLY PLAY ON Lucy-Atlanta: GIVE PAUL TIME TO REPLY BEFORE TYPING MORE Scotty - California: thanks paul Irene-Upper Michigan: great! Mick -Yorkshire: all these questions finds Paul booked up to 2015 PAUL RODGERS: NO NEWS ABOUT AUSTRALIA YET BUT ALL THE CONFRIMED DATES ARE FIRST POSTED ON MY WEBSITE.SOMETIMES POLLSTAR ISN'T EVEN CORRECT.SO PLEASE GET THE TOUR DATE INFO FROM MY SITE OR LUCY'S Daniel: Paul - will the live dvd coming out include any vintage material Pilsbury: Nice to see Jaz back in there Colette - Liverpool: WILL YOU REVISIT THE CAVERN AGAIN ? BESIDES THE MUSIC HAVE YOU ANY LASTING MEMORIES OF GEORGE HARRISON TO SHARE? Sven: Paul do you think you might bring Bad Co. to Australia PAUL RODGERS: NO HOUSE OF BLUES IN CHICAGO BOOKED Sandy-Texas: Will you come back to TX, sometime soon in the new year? Chuck-Baltimore: Paul, come to Baltimore!!!!! DAWN/BOSTON: i am speachless for once, i could cry!!Paul you mean so much to us!!!! Irene-Upper Michigan: are you touring both with Bad Co. and solo? Ennio-Toronto: Paul, your friend Colin Bradley mentioned to me that you and him have tentative plans on doing something together, any indication of when and what it might be? Lucy-Atlanta: PAUL YOU ARE DOING A FINE JOB HERE ON THE CHAT. PAUL RODGERS: YES I DO WARM UP.I BEGIN BY HUMMING AND SOME DEEP BREATHING.I LIKE TO BUILD UP TO FULL POWER JUST LIKE WARMING UP A CAR Lucy-Atlanta: THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS Willy - MD.: I'll second Chuck's proposal - we'll introduce you to some steamed crabs! Irene-Upper Michigan: Lucy....we appreciate you too...you're our guiding light where Bad Co. is concerned! Chuck-Baltimore: Hey Willy, I think the Arena would do, don't you? lam17: That's interesting PAUL RODGERS: COLIN ABD I WERE AT SCHOOL TOGETHER AND USED TO WOW THE CHICKS IN OUR CLASSES AT ST THOMAS' WITH OUR EVERLY BROS HARMONIES WHO KNOWS MAYBE WE'LL DO IT IN VEGAS ONE DAY Sandy-Texas: yes, thank you and you too Lucy for doing this Mike-Washington: Paul, have you ever taken formal voice lessons? DEBANDFRED: Do you ever feel nervous before performances? Volker-Germany: WHO decides on where you tour??? Willy - MD.: Absolutely - it'll be sort of a homecoming since BC did the Civic Center in the 70's Alan-London: Paul I've been lucky enough to catch you guesting at the odd show here in London over the last 10 years or so. You've sung some soul classics in a way I've never heard the done . Surely you must put some of these on CD. With a voice like yours it would be a service to music to hear you sing some of these great songs. Irene-Upper Michigan: neat...that's interesting karim-vancouver: Paul, I once heard you sing "All I Really Want Is You" live and acoustically. It was incredible!!! Please give us more of that!! Chuck-Baltimore: Amen!!! Alan addy-the netherlands: yes THANX Lucy T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): Come back to Middlesborough Paul we miss you Steve Wales, Uk: Paul, "Who" invited David Kossoff to the London Apollo earlier in Feb? PAUL RODGERS: WHERE WE TOUR IS USALLY ORGANIZED BY THE AGENCY ,PROMOTERS MY MANAGER AND MYSELF.I DO GET FINAL SAY WHICH IS NICE Isabelle-France: come to France - to Olympia .... ShelleyK-Central NY: You know, "Nights Like This" from "Now and Live" is sooo totally awesome, gives me the chills. PAUL RODGERS: NO FORMAL VOICE LESSONS. AmyWatts-NC: At what age did you realize you were gifted and did you have any idea how it would impact your life? Anonymous: enters the chatroom. Tammy - South Carolina: I just want to say that the beauty of your voice has the ability to move me to tears. Mike-Washington: Paul, what other living singers do you listen to? PAUL RODGERS: I INVITED PAUL'S FATHER TO THE APOLLO LAST YEAR. WHAT A SWEET MAN neil & bonnie nova scotia: are you and andy still in contact- any plans for the future? Volker-Germany: Are there any tracks from the vaults....of BAD CO...such as on that superb Free-box-set? PAUL RODGERS: THANKS FOR ALL OF THE COMPLIMENTS EVERYBODY GEEEEEE Alex - Russia: Which one of your albums did you have the most fun with? Steve Wales, Uk: Thanks Chuck-Baltimore: Paul, do you have any recollection of sessions in the late 60's that included yourself, Koss, Gary Thain, and Keef Hartley for Chess? Volker-Germany: Yep...Paul...saw you there at thae Apollo!!! B&G: Keep rockin Paul DAWN/BOSTON: amen to that. tears chills and smiles..... voice of an angel..... DEBANDFRED: Do you ever get fed up with fans "living in the past" when you want to move forward? PAUL RODGERS: I REALIZED I HAD SOMETHING GOING ON WHEN I SANG INTO THE MICROPHONE AND PEOPLE REACTED WITH SHOCK AND SURPRIZE Irene-Upper Michigan: good question, Debandfred! lam17: What do you do on your off time? Willy - MD: enters the chatroom. T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): What is your son doing musically , he has inherited your voice PAUL RODGERS: MACY GRAY IS GOOD SOME OF THE SINGERS ON THE CIRQUE DE SOLIEL CD JOHNNY LAND HAS ONE HELL OF A VOICE Daniel: Paul, any plans to release any live vintage badco audio or video material? PAUL RODGERS: STEPHEN AND JASMINE ARE RECORDING A NEW ALBUM WITH THEIR BAND BOA.I AM EVER THE PROUD FATHER Anonymous: enters the chatroom. Isabelle-France: Cirque de soleil - it sounds french ... PAUL RODGERS: WHAT OFF TIME AmyWatts-NC: I still react that way, every time I have the privilege to hear you sing AlMayer - NC: Paul, how did your kids react to the song, "Heart of Fire"? (awesome song) Volker-Germany: Ever thought about doin a XMAS record? (like lynyrd did..)? Irene-Upper Michigan: lol Ennio-Toronto: Paul,after so many years,with the FREE material still sounding so fresh, is there a realistic hope for us long time FREE fans that you and Andy might someday get together and recreate some of the FRASER/RODGERS magic? Tammy - South Carolina: When is VH1, or other rock shows, going to do a Behind the Scenes on you? lam17: circus,baby Chuck-Baltimore: Yes Yes we would like that !!!! T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): Glad to hear it , they were superb as your special guests in Manchester. Steve Wales, Uk: Good Q ennoi Irene-Upper Michigan: on tour, city to city, what do you do during your "down" time? PAUL RODGERS: CIRQUE IS A CTRAVELLING CIRCUS FROM CANADA THAT I HAVE SEEN PERFROM TWICE ONCE IN FLORIDA AND AUSTRALIA THEY ARE UNIQUELY AWESOME SEE THEM IF YOU CAN . Lucy-Atlanta: We would LOVE a Free tour. WIth all the old Free numbers from all the cds ShelleyK-Central NY: I agree Ennio, listening to Free is a mind-blowing sensual experience. Sven: What did you think of James Dewar from Robin Trowers band and did you have much contact with him or know him? Mike - Oxford, UK: hi Paul, I just wanted to "refresh" the idea of an unplugged set, including perhaps some "Muddy Water Blues" material. It would be something special I'm sure! PAUL RODGERS: DURING MY DOWNTIME ON TOUR I MEDITATE, WRITE SONGS,WORKOUT AND HUNT FOR HEALTHY FOOD Mick -Yorkshire: James Dewar is a great singer yes Sven AmyWatts-NC: Which blues artists other than John Lee Hooker do you admire? Isabelle-France: the healthy food is in France !!! Lucy-Atlanta: Just book one show of Unplugged PLEASE PAUL RODGERS: MY FAV CD IS ALWAYS THE ONE THAT I RECORD NEXT DAWN/BOSTON: PLEASE UNPLUGGED!!! PLEASE!!!!! lam17: I understand the meditation Sandy-Texas: unplugged would be very cool PAUL RODGERS: I DON'T KNOW JD SORRY Willy - MD: Paul - what's your writing process? You scribble songs on napkins, a journal, a laptop, what? Alan-London: Paul Have you heard Gov't Mule. They are big fans. They do a brilliant Mr Big karim-vancouver: One show - I'll be there. I don't care where it is... Sandy-Texas: ours too Paul Volker-Germany: Will there be a slight chance to see you around EUROPE again performing with Bad Co??? Irene-Upper Michigan: unplugged, yes..including Over the Green Hills PAUL RODGERS: BB KING, ALBERT KING, ELMO JAMES AND MANY MORE I ADMIRE Volker-Germany: I mean ...not only UK.... Chuck-Baltimore: HOW ABOUT AN UNPLUGGED CD OF FREE MATERIAL!!! Mike-Washington: Paul, what contemporary music do you like, if any? neil & bonnie nova scotia: where did you find your backup singers, sue and sonny? lam17: All the kings men Irene-Upper Michigan: leave the unplugged list to me...I'd chose some great ones!!!! T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): Where did 'Voices in the wind' and'How long ' originate from?They are magic tracks for your voice. Good luck to BOA Judy: What types of music do you find yourself listening to most often? DAWN/BOSTON: Paul , do you like any junk food/sweets? what kind? DEBANDFRED: Any truth in the rumour that you are singing on a Frankie Miller tribute CD Chuck-Baltimore: Perhaps, a disc of Stax/Volt material then?! PAUL RODGERS: MY WRITING PROCESS IS DIFFERENT EVERY TIME SOMETIMES A TITLE COMES FIRST OR A COUPLE OF LINES OR A NICE COMBINATION OF CHORDS.I FIND IT BEST TO STAY OPEN TO ALL POSSIBILITES BECAUSE IDEAS CAN COME FROM ANYWHERE THE BEST SONGS ARE THE ONES THAT SEEM TO WRITE THEMSELVES THROUGH ME LIKE NIGHTS LIKE THIS, FIND A WAY Isabelle-France: Paul do u know some french singers and what do u think about Peter Green, Tomy Bolin ....? Daniel: any plans for any more original badco material? Scotty - California: Paul when Muddy Water Blues came out I listened to it over and over many times over and was glad that Muddy Waters Blues was included in the Bad Co. set list. How difficilt was it to line up all the great musicians that were part of that c.d.? B&G - Charleston: enters the chatroom. PAUL RODGERS: SUE AND SONY WERE ON THE FIRST BC ALBUM THEY WERE FRIENDS OF THE PEOPLE IN THE OFFICE DAWN/BOSTON: o listoning to Nights like these right now.... PAUL RODGERS: NO TRUTH TO THE FRANKIE MILLER RUMOUR Mike-Washington: Paul, how was it working with Page in the Firm? Chuck-Baltimore: DRAT!!! Steve Wales, Uk: "Find a Way", "China Blue". Play these on your next visit Paul. My girl gave me HELL because they were left out!!! Irene-Upper Michigan: Happy Birthday, Paul, on the 17th! addy-the netherlands: any chance for an unplugged cd Daniel: can you give us any details on the live dvd release?? DAWN/BOSTON: i know a week from tomarrow !!!! HAPPY BDAY PAUL !! lam17: That's right, on the 17th Sandy-Texas: Happy Birthday Paul Rodgers:) Sven: Yeah its the same date as my girlfriend Chuck-Baltimore: an unplugged cd would be the next logical move Lucy-Atlanta: We all wish you a happy birthday PAUL RODGERS: VOICES IN THE WIND I DID WITH TIM DONAHUE WHO IS A GUITAR MAKING GUITAR PLAYER I FOUND THE TRACKS THAT HE SENT ME EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD AND THOSE TRACKS INSPIRED THE LYRICS PAUL RODGERS: THANKS FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISHES ShelleyK-Central NY: Yes, HGappy Birthday Paul My hubby is also a Sagitairius, great earthy sign! AlMayer - NC: Yes...UNPLUGGED...please, please Mike-Washington: Paul, how old will you be? B&G - Charleston: Proud owners of the # 63 Lithograph -- you are the man !! Do you have one Paul Chuck-Baltimore: The material for the unplugged cd could be culled from your vast catalogue of music karim-vancouver: Lots of demand for unplugged, Paul!! Isabelle-France: what a question Mike !!! hermione: enters the chatroom. Dana: enters the chatroom. PAUL RODGERS: WORKING WITH THE PAGE AND THE FIRM WAS MIND BLOWING BUT ENOUGH ALREADY addy-the netherlands: an unplugged cd recorded in my living room will be great Lucy-Atlanta: Yes indeed.........seems to be a hot request UNPLUGGED !!!!!!! PAUL RODGERS: I WILL BE 52 ON THE 17 Dana: Hello Paul Irene-Upper Michigan: lol, addy Irene-Upper Michigan: 52 years young! Lucy-Atlanta: 52 years young Chuck-Baltimore: that's how old I am! DAWN/BOSTON: UNPLUGGED! Anything Paul!!!! ShelleyK-Central NY: Paul. are you sure you don't have that age backwards. Mike-Washington: I'm 52 myself. hermione: logs off. B&G - Charleston: 52 years of glory Volker-Germany: didn't all of you know??? PAUL RODGERS: WELL I LIKE TO THINK THAT I AM GETTING OLDER BUT NOT GETTING OLD T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): A lot of people love you, thanks for your music and your time to talk to us, happy birthday.. Alan-London: Paul you could sing the phone book unplugged it would still be the business. Mike-Washington: Are you quoting me? Chuck-Baltimore: you're definitely getting better all the time! Willy - MD: Paul - here's another good reason to do something unplugged. I'll be able to hear more of your phenomenal voice above the music (I'm profoundly deaf - seriously!) AmyWatts-NC: But you know what the alternative to getting older is! Dana: Will you be coming to michigan anytime soon? Lucy-Atlanta: The demand for UNPLUGGED is because we LOVE you voice so much it just shines by itself ...... Steve Wales, Uk: That was sweet T-shirt..*s Sven: Thanks to Lucy, Cynthia, Brad and Chris for getting me backstage to meet you in June on the bus I still think about it. You the song really does it for me!!! I don think you should come down-under and do a Horseback ride in the highcountry one day. Irene-Upper Michigan: yes, Michigan or Wisconsin Tammy - South Carolina: Make that two reasons, Willy. I am as well. Volker-Germany: Again...Paul...what keeps you away from doin some European gigs??? Dana: 52 isn't bad still good looken for the age Willy - MD: Bet you didn't think you had any deaf fans out there, did you Paul? T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): Are Boa based in the UK? AlMayer - NC: PAUL.....Saw you at the Microsoft gig.....How did that gig come about? Lucy-Atlanta: Repeat your last message WIlly Mike-Washington: Paul, I saw you at the Amerald Queen. My GF thought you looked really young. I thought so too. PAUL RODGERS: WILLY MD PARDON?????? T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): I am a teacher of the deaf, do you need an interpreter on tour Paul? Dana: Paul your so cute. Willy - MD: Bet you didn't think you had any deaf fans out there, did you Paul? neil & bonnie nova scotia: have you read heavy load? Lucy-Atlanta: Paul Willy is Deaf.........He is one of your biggest fans, he knows all lyrics to your songs and he can tell what the song is by lip reading and feeling vibrations. Is that awesome or what Tammy - South Carolina: We dont need an interpreter, really, the music can reach us in ways you cant imagie :) Isabelle-France: most of your friends here had the opportunity to see you in reality not me : ((( Irene-Upper Michigan: Paul, you're adored by so many fans and you handle it so graciously...I have great respect for that PAUL RODGERS: WE HAVE HAD SIGNERS AT VARIOUS GIGS AND IT IS A GREAT THING AND TOUCHES MY HEART THAT WE CAN SHARE THE MUSIC Daniel: ANY PLANS FOR SOME VINTAGE LIVE BADCO VIDEO RELEASE????? ShelleyK-Central NY: Do you talk toSimon alot, it was a thrill to meet him also, you guys are sweet as candy and totally great guys. Dana: Paul have you made any new albums? Mike-Washington: Does the Internet rock, or what? PAUL RODGERS: WILLY DO YOU FEEL IT WOULD BE GOOD TO HAVE A SIGNER WOULD THAT MAKE THE CONCERT MORE ENJOYABLE FOR YOU? Chuck-Baltimore: Any contact with Fraser these days? Alan-London: Willy You may not hear too well but you have great taste. lots of love to you. Volker-Germany: Isabelle, Addy and me (as well as lots of fans) are waiting for you to perform in EUROPE...!!! lam17: Roses are red..... T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): I 'll volunteer if you do Willy addy-the netherlands: I agree with volker PAUL RODGERS: THE MICROSOFT GIG ARRANGED BY MICROSOFT CALLING MANAGEMENT AND REQUESTING ME AND MY SOLO BAND VERY COOL.THE FANS THERE SEEMED TO REALLY RESPOND TO THE FIRM SONGS. Willy - MD: Absolutely! Acoustics change from place to place - always nice to know what song you're on then I take it from there for the ride Irene-Upper Michigan: Do you prefer gigs in a large arena or a smaller venue Sandy-Texas: The Firm was great...all your music is great Dana: So Paul are you guys out on the road right now? Mike-Washington: Paul, you wrote the lead solo on Radioactive? Did you play it as well? PAUL RODGERS: I SPOKE TO ANDY LAST YEAR AND THE BALL IS IN HIS COURT Irene-Upper Michigan: ahaaaa Lucy-Atlanta: If I organise a unplugged show, will you come Paul?? and fans would you come????? Sven: Good on ya Paul Chuck-Baltimore: Here's hoping......!!!!! Tammy - South Carolina: You bet we'd come! Irene-Upper Michigan: Andy's an awesome bassist! Dana: Whos Andy? PAUL RODGERS: YES I DID WRITE AND PLAY THE SOLO ON RADIOACTIVE I EVEN USED PAUL KOSSOFF'S LES PAUL karim-vancouver: yes, Lucy....I'll be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Willy - MD: Bless your heart, T-shirt! Sandy-Texas: Yes Lucy!! Chuck-Baltimore: I'd have to drive down, Lucy AmyWatts-NC: I WILL BE THERE, LUCY!!!!!! Eileen- New Jersey: I'd be there DAWN/BOSTON: o yeah Irene-Upper Michigan: of course, Lucy...whether my hubbies laid off or not PAUL RODGERS: YES ANDY IS AN AWESOME PLAYER B&G - Charleston: Right on Dana: Where are you guys right now? Colette - Liverpool: I'D GET THERE SOMEHOW LUCY al: enters the chatroom. Alan-London: Lucy tell us where and when We''ll be there Chuck-Baltimore: Andy Fraser, bassist for FREE!!! Mick -Yorkshire: Lucy, what a question !! Isabelle-France: Yes i agree whith Volker - Paul don't forget Jimi Hendrix went in Olympia ... PAUL RODGERS: DANA ANDY FRASER PLAYED BASS IN FREE AND COWROTE ALL RIGHT NOW WITH ME Willy - MD: Lucy - I'll help organize if you can do it during one of these summers ShelleyK-Central NY: If I couldn't be there in body, I certainly would in spirit. Mike-Washington: I thought that your solo on Radio was a rare moment of the sound perfectly portraying the idea. T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): Do you remember the T-Shirt(heartbreaker) my husband had to buy me another!!! DEBANDFRED: Are Bad Co really going to play at the next Labour party conference PAUL RODGERS: DID I MISS ANY????? Dana: Miss any what? Chuck-Baltimore: The sessions for Chess Mike - Oxford, UK: Lucy, I'd get there somehow too!!!!! Tammy - South Carolina: Any chance of VH-1 Behind the Scenes? Or other show? PAUL RODGERS: NO BC ARE NOT PLAYING AT THE LABOUR PARTY CONVENTION I WILL BE PERFORMING SOLO Dana: Do you ever hang out with Don Henley? lam17: Violets are blue..... Lucy-Atlanta: Yes will you do a unplugged show?????? Irene-Upper Michigan: i'd like to know if you like gigs in a large arena or a smaller venue Sven: your doing real well Paul really appreciate this mate Scotty - California: Paul how tough was it to line up all the great talent that was part of Muddy Wtaers blues? Alan-London: What about doing "Woman" next tour AmyWatts-NC: Do you forsee any shed tours this summer in the US? PAUL RODGERS: BC DID BEHIND THE SCENES IN 99 Irene-Upper Michigan: "Walk in my Shadow" is a real favorite of mine...can't believe that was one of the first songs your wrote! Dana: Have have the chance to hang with Don Henley? Dana: Or any of th eagles neil & bonnie nova scotia: did you ever jam with black cat bones Daniel: WILL THERE BE A RELEASE OF BC BEHIND THE MUSIC?? Tammy - South Carolina: We'll have to badger them to repeat it! Chuck-Baltimore: A show of all Free material would be the thing!!! Volker-Germany: do you know of any tracks still in the vaults...BAD CO.... Irene-Upper Michigan: i've asked VH1 constantly, Daniel, but they just won't air it...DRAT! PAUL RODGERS: HAVEN'E MET DON HENLEY BUT I'M SURE HE'S COOL Steve Wales, Uk: Well said Chuck!!! Pilsbury: logs off. ShelleyK-Central NY: I love "Trouble on Double time" reminds me of a rather naughty friend of mine. DAWN/BOSTON: ACOUSTIC SHOW PLEASE!! PAUL WE LOVE YOU!!!! DEBANDFRED: What do you prefer to play-Les Pauls or Strats? PAUL RODGERS: THERE MAY BE SOMETHING IN THE VAULTS BUT I DOUBT IT Chuck-Baltimore: Get Andy on bass and Geoff Whitehorne to fill in for Koss (if that's possible1) Steve Wales, Uk: And in Britain TOO Paul! Dana: Are you married Paul Mike-Washington: Paul, what do you think of John Kay/Steppenwolf? Colette - Liverpool: PAUL IVE CONTACTED TOMMY VANCE AT VH1 TO REPEAT THE NOW SESSION CAN YOU ADD ANY WEIGHT? Daniel: THERE SHOULD BE AN OFFICIAL DVD RELEASE OF BADCO BEHIND THE MUSIC!! lam17: I see you played day tripper recently Irene-Upper Michigan: I agree, Daniel ShelleyK-Central NY: Paul, have you ever met Jackson Browne. Also Geoff whitehorn is awesome with you. Great combination. Isabelle-France: Neal Schon wasn't bad too PAUL RODGERS: I PREFER STRATS FOR MYSELF IF I HAVE TO CHOOSE Chuck-Baltimore: I think I taped it when it was first broadcast Chuck-Baltimore: What do you think about Teles? PAUL RODGERS: NO HAVEN'S MET JACKSON B Mick -Yorkshire: Paul thanks for making my drive to work more enjoyable !! T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): Goodnight Paul, thanks for your time and happy birthday Lucy-Atlanta: Will Bad Company only tour Jan or will there be more dates. Daniel: CHUCK - I HAVEN'T HEARD BACK FROM YOU?? Dana: Are you married? ShelleyK-Central NY: I also taped the VH1 show, we have worn it out almost. Tammy - South Carolina: Thank you so much for sharing your time with us. It means so much! PAUL RODGERS: I AM VERY MARRIED IN SPIRIT Sven: Whats happening with the P.R. touring band i.e. the guy from heart etc.. Chuck-Baltimore: sorry bout that Daniel! Willy - MD: Paul - before that DVD set comes out, please, please make sure they put closed captions or English subtitles on it Irene-Upper Michigan: Married in spirit...I like that....that's a great place to be Tammy - South Carolina: Yes, closed caption please! Dana: Have any kids? ShelleyK-Central NY: Your significant other is very pretty. She is a lucky girl. T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): How about a 'signing 'window Willy? Scotty - California: paul 'Bucket' does a great job as a member of BADCO what do you think of the new Humble Pie? Colette - Liverpool: MY FIRST EVER VISIT OT A CHATROOM THANKS PAUL AND LUCY Willy - MD: No offense but those interpreter windows are outmoded - subtitles or cc reaches more people, deaf or not Lucy-Atlanta: Lets congratulate Paul on doing a fine job replying to all of us. This is his first one on one chat. And I hope Paul will join us again at allrightnow.com . PAUL RODGERS: WE JUST PLAYED A SOLO DATE IN TACOMA WE WILL BE PLAYING AND A SOLO DATE IN JAN IN ST.PAUL EXCITING BECAUSE WE PLAYED FIND A WAY FOR THE FIRST TIME ON STAGE IN TACOMA AND IT ROCKED WE HAD THREE BACING FEMALE SINGERS AWESOME AmyWatts-NC: Thank you, Paul!! And, thanks to Lucy for arranging this chat! Daniel: PAUL, ANY PLANS TO HOOK UP WITH ANY OTHER WELL KNOWN GUITARISTS IN THE FUTURE? Isabelle-France: last year i was more lucky paul gave me some answers ... Chuck-Baltimore: Well luv, this is the first time that he answered one of mine ShelleyK-Central NY: A personal Thank You for you and your guys for the Volunteers for America shows, New York loves you! Sandy-Texas: Thank you Paul, your doing fantastic Alan-London: Paul You are the Guv'nor Dana: I went and seen you in muskegon michigan last year when i was 14 u where wonderful Steve Wales, Uk: "Find a Way" is outstanding Paul!! neil & bonnie nova scotia: thx Paul and all the best from the east coaast of canada...hope to see you on tour..ttfn Chuck-Baltimore: Alan, I'll second that!!!!! Mick -Yorkshire: Thanks Paul !! for everything, it seems incredible that we able to speak to a guy who's music has affected us so deeply over the years Ennio-Toronto: Paul, Hammer Of Love is a fantastic song, have you and Cynthia written more? karim-vancouver: Paul, Conquistadora is another great rocker. What inspired that song? Mike-Washington: I was in Tacoma. It *was* outstanding! Sven: Yeah Mick spot on neil & bonnie nova scotia: logs off. Scotty - California: Paul all the best.. looking forward to seeing you in California in a few weeks Volker-Germany: Famous last words....PLEASE come to EUROPE again!!! Tammy - South Carolina: Paul hope to see you in the Carolinas soon! ShelleyK-Central NY: "Over You" is almost surreal, so haunting. DEBANDFRED: Paul,could you say Hi to my 8 yr old daughter ABBY who also enjoys your music Eileen- New Jersey: Paul Thanks for everything! Irene-Upper Michigan: Paul...thanks so much for joining us today. I couldn't image my life without your music...it's given me so much joy Chuck-Baltimore: One final time....Paul do some Stax/Volt covers in the near future,Please!!! Isabelle-France: 'I feel like i knew you in another time' .... DAWN/BOSTON: PAUL, THANX FOR TAKING THE TIME , YOUR THE BEST,,& THANKS OF COURSE TO LUCY... karim-vancouver: "Electric" is a great album. Seems to have been lost in the shuffle... Dana: PAUL do you have any kids? Sandy-Texas: You have to come to Tx again soon, my daughter also would love to see you live Mike-Washington: Paul, you keep making it. We'll keep buying it! addy-the netherlands: THANX Paul but think about this: unplugged and Euope PAUL RODGERS: THANKS EVERYONE, SORRY IF I DIDN'T GET TO ALL OF YOUR QUESTIONS IT DOES GET A LITTLE FRANTIC.THANKS LUCY FOR DOING SUCH A GREAT JOB KEEPING THE FANS INFORMED WITH CORRECT INFORMATION.GOTTA GO JASMINE MY DAUGHTER IS ON THE OTHER LINE.GOD BLESS AND MAY LOVE FIND ALL OF YOU Sven: Thanks Paul, you are AWESOME. Steve Wales, Uk: Thanx for your time Paul..... Make it back to the UK soon! ShelleyK-Central NY: Have a wonderful Holiday season, best to you and yours always. T-Shirt Lady(Leeds): logs off. DAWN/BOSTON: GOD BLESS YOU TOO HAVE SAFE TRAVELS AND WE LOVE YOU PAUL!! Judy: God Bless Paul! Irene-Upper Michigan: Thanks! AmyWatts-NC: God bless you, Paul Sandy-Texas: Thank you Paul Rodgers, and Thank you so much Lucy and Rob!!! AlMayer - NC: YOU ROCK> PAUL Sven: logs off. Lucy-Atlanta: THANK YOU FOR JOINING US Steve Wales, Uk: Bye Paul!!........and Thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chuck-Baltimore: think about this...Free reunion, unplugged, and Stax/Volt covers Daniel: Paul- the live video version of "feel like making love" shown just before you guys took the stage for the pay per view 99 concert is the coolest thing i've ever heard . does anyone have this?? Tammy - South Carolina: Thanks so much Lucy for getting this together. You're terrific! Mike-Washington: Thanks, Paul Rodgers! Ennio-Toronto: THANKS PAUL Irene-Upper Michigan: Excellent job, Lucy...you rock! Alan-London: Lucy Thanks from the heart. Someone tell Dana Paul has 3 kids Chuck-Baltimore: Cheers, Paul, Cheers, Lucy & Rob!!! Steve Wales, Uk: Thanx Lucy and Rob!! DAWN/BOSTON: SO COOL!! Steve Wales, Uk: Eileen- New Jersey: Thank you Lucy!! lam17: thanks Lucy for all the hard work addy-the netherlands: thanx to lucy and ron Mike-Washington: logs off. Daniel: thanks Paul!!! Scotty - California: thanks Lucy happy holidays to you addy-the netherlands: sorry rob B&G - Charleston: Way to go Lucy Colette - Liverpool: tHANKS AGAIN LUCY YOUR EFFORTS MUCH MUCH APPRECIATED AND VALUED Mick -Yorkshire: Thank you Lucy Volker-Germany: THX Paul for takin the time...anbd thx ´Lucy for arrangin it!!! AmyWatts-NC: Lucy, thank you so much, this was absolutely wonderful ShelleyK-Central NY: Thanks again Lucy, Merry Christmas, you gave us all a great x-mas gift. Steve Wales, Uk: Thanx Lucy & Rob!! Alex - Russia: Thanx Paul & Lucy ! Cathie. United Kingdom: logs off. Chuck-Baltimore: Daniel, email me this coming week and we'll work something out. Mike - Oxford, UK: thanks Paul and Lucy!! DAWN/BOSTON: IT IS ALMOST LIKE AFTER A CONCERT,, IT IS OVER .. BOO HOO!!! ;-( AmyWatts-NC: Now my heart rate can return to normal! LOL Tammy - South Carolina: logs off. Daniel: thanks Chuck - I will Mick -Yorkshire: encore anyone ??? LOL Colette - Liverpool: logs off. DAWN/BOSTON: IKNOW MY HEART TOO, FLIPPIN OUT al: thanx lucy see ya next easter happy xmas, al Chuck-Baltimore: Lucy, are you still here? Steve Wales, Uk: logs off. Alan-London: logs off. AlMayer - NC: LUCY ROCKS (in the words of Julie Potts) Colette - Liverpool: logs off. Eileen- New Jersey: Good bye all Willy - MD: logs off. Mike - Oxford, UK: logs off. Judy: logs off. ShelleyK-Central NY: logs off. DAWN/BOSTON: BYE EVERONE, LUCY SPEAK LATER ..PEACE,LOVE AND PAUL FOREVER!!! Scotty - California: logs off. Volker-Germany: Bye to all of you and THX Lucy again (gotta go to work....) Sandy-Texas: Thank you so much again, Lucy, this was a wonderful treat ShelleyK-Central NY: logs off. addy-the netherlands: volker and campbell see you soon Volker-Germany: yep ...bye addy...cu around...# addy-the netherlands: volker do you have iCQ Mick -Yorkshire: logs off. Chuck-Baltimore: Cheers everyone, Lucy I'll be in touch later..... Lucy-Atlanta: STILL TALKING TO PAUL ON PHONE Lucy-Atlanta: HANG ON Chuck-Baltimore: I think I'll hang around awhile Isabelle-France: bye volker .... Sandy-Texas: Still here Lucy Volker-Germany: no addy...no ICQ....will mail..ok? karim-vancouver: still here addy-the netherlands: ok al: still here lucy Isabelle-France: i have ICQ !!! Volker-Germany: au revoir isabelle... Lucy-Atlanta: YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lucy-Atlanta: YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Daniel: my email is evilwind62@hotmail.com if anyone wants to chat. later Sandy-Texas: Hi Lucy Chuck-Baltimore: that was brillant, Lucy!!! Sandy-Texas: It was great!!! Isabelle-France: merci Volker ... Daniel: logs off. addy-the netherlands: message me on 7019234 Isabelle karim-vancouver: Great chat Lucy!! Sandy-Texas: fantastic.. Sandy-Texas: Lucy-Atlanta: GREAT JOB GUYS Sandy-Texas: So....he may do one right? Lucy-Atlanta: I NEED TO GO NOW AmyWatts-NC: I hope he finds a way to do it!!! This is incredible! Sandy-Texas: Thank you Lucy Lucy-Atlanta: THANKS EVERYONE FOR YOUR WONDERFUL PATIENTS AND QUESTIONS Lucy-Atlanta: WE ARE ONE BIG FAMILY AmyWatts-NC: thanks, Lucy Chuck-Baltimore: Cheers, Lucy!!! addy-the netherlands: will he record it in my living room Lucy? karim-vancouver: We all love his voice. Hope he does it. Take care Lucy. Thanks andbye!! Lucy-Atlanta: EXCELLENT TURN OUT AlMayer - NC: Good time everybody...bye now sammy: enters the chatroom. Sandy-Texas: Very exciting and it turned out so good! Volker-Germany: THX again LUCY...great job...cu around al: well done lucy catch ya later Lucy-Atlanta: BYE LOVE YOU ALL Sandy-Texas: bye every one Lucy-Atlanta: BYE Sandy-Texas: nice to see you all on Volker-Germany: logs off. Chuck-Baltimore: LOVE YOU TO AlMayer - NC: logs off. Lucy-Atlanta: BYE Ennio-Toronto: Great Lucy.....bye Sandy-Texas: Bye and have a great Christmas and Channukah Chuck-Baltimore: logs off. Isabelle-France: bye Lucy - take care Lucy-Atlanta: TALK SOON Lucy-Atlanta: BEFORE I GO Sandy-Texas: logs off. Lucy-Atlanta: HI AL DEBANDFRED: Bye and thanks Lucy-Atlanta: :-)))) addy-the netherlands: bye bye Lucy Lucy-Atlanta: WILLY DONT FORGET TO WRITE TO ME sammy: logs off. al: sorry missed most of it but seems to have gone well Lucy-Atlanta: VERY WELL Lucy-Atlanta: BEST YET al: looking forward to atlanta next year Lucy-Atlanta: LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU TOO AL Lucy-Atlanta: BYE AND MERRY XMAS TO Y'ALL Lucy-Atlanta: LOVE YOU Lucy-Atlanta: AmyWatts-NC: bye everybody, and Happy Holidays :) al: hope teirs some good gigs on ? karim-vancouver: bye lucy, you're the greatest!! Lucy-Atlanta: BESS AND GARY al: MERRY XMAS ALL BYE FOR NOW Lucy-Atlanta: MERRY XMAS KARIM lam17: Bye Lucy, love ya Lucy-Atlanta: SIGNING OFF NOW Lucy-Atlanta: SEE YOU ALL NEXT WEEK Lucy-Atlanta: SAME TIME al: logs off. Lucy-Atlanta: SAME PLACE Lucy-Atlanta: BYE ENNIO Lucy-Atlanta: BY EILLEN Lucy-Atlanta: BY EILLEN Lucy-Atlanta: BYE WILLY addy-the netherlands: bye ennio Lucy-Atlanta: BYE CAMPBELL Ennio-Toronto: see ya Addy Lucy-Atlanta: PAUL RODGERS HAS LEFT THE ROOM addy-the netherlands: logs off. Lucy-Atlanta: HIS NAME IS UP BUT HE HAS LEFT Todd - Tallahassee: enters the chatroom. Lucy-Atlanta: TODD YOUR TOO LATE Lucy-Atlanta: ITS OVER Lucy-Atlanta: SORRY Todd - Tallahassee: I missed out Lucy-Atlanta: I WILL ADD THE TRANSCRIPT SHORTLY Todd - Tallahassee: I just wanted to listen, I'll read it if you put it up later Todd - Tallahassee: thanks Lucy-Atlanta: SEE YOU ALL NEXT WEEK Lucy-Atlanta: BYE Lucy-Atlanta: logs off. AmyWatts-NC: logs off. |