Addy from the Netherlands send email
"I am Adrian from St Albans, England. I have been a
member of the FAS for some years now. I never saw Free tho' saw Koss with BSC, Crawler
several times, and PR at the Forum (OK) and Borderline (brilliant, one of the best gigs
ever in just the sort of place I like - small, great sound). Bought my first Free album in
1970 whilst at school. Never looked back since." send email
Alberto from Milan, Italy. "I am an 'old' Bad Company
fan and I wish to get videos and photos. I'd like to meet everyone who likes BC." send email
"My name is Almir, I'm from Bosnia and a BIG fan of
Free. I think that Free is the greatest band in the world, and I have all studio albums. I
am 22 years old and I never see them play." send
Ari from Tampere, Finland. "I've been listening to Free
and Bad Company since the early '70s!" send email
From Bettie in Hamburg, Germany.
"Such a great pleasure to have found your homepage !!! I love
Free, the first Bad Co., The Firm, etc. but especially PAUL RODGERS
since...well, probably since I am on this planet and I do think it is
a wonderful idea, to have "our" meeting place - even if -
alas ! - who knows, whether we will ever have a chance to meet each
other in the flesh. I was born in Venice (Italy) but I moved to
Hamburg (Germany) 1988. I remember my reaction while hearing
"I'll be creeping" for the 1st time...this is hard to be
described, but I still know that I wept. This VOICE, I mean, such a
warm, caressing flow - even when singing hard words. This was 1976, I
was 13 at that time. I was at Paul' s gig 5 and 1/2 years ago here in
Hamburg ("NOW"-Album promo-tour) - this was my first and -
so far - unfortunately last concert - do I really need to explain how
I felt by seeing him in front of me ? Surely not. "Making a
difference": These could be my own words. I am eagerly waiting
for "Mr. Heart & Soul" (my nick-name for Paul) to come
along again and I already contacted his webmaster several times to ask
for details. He/she kindly replied that no gigs to Germany are
scheduled for the time being. Bad times...my my ! But I do NOT give up
and keep on hoping, since I cannot schedule to spend myself some time
in USA, or UK - where I surely could have more chances to meet Paul
again. In the meantime I hold it out through my little video
collection showing Paul with Free at the "Wight"-festival as
well as in a memorable sequence which was recorded here in Germany at
the "Loreley", 1997. This helps ! Be well, everybody -
and stay bluesingly tuned (the same I do) ! With best regards from
Hamburg" send
From Cathal. Location: Limerick,Ireland.
"Interest: I've been an appreciator of FREE's musice since I
was 14.
Kossoff's guitar,Rodger's voice ,and Kirk's drumming,not to
mention that wonderful Bass technique that Fraser had, have never
been surpassed!!.
I spent many a teenage evening in my room with an old Dansette
record player trying to figure out what Kossoff was doing with
those guitar notes!!.. The way he strung phrases together was a
joy to behold.
Now I'm sure there's no need on a site like this ,to talk about
Paul Rodgers vocals!!....What a voice!..The best frontman ever to
stand four square on a stage in front of an audience
anytime,anywhere!!....I'm looking forward to hearing him the next
time he plays on this side of the 'pond'...
As for Kirk..What a 'piledriver' of a drummer!!..Talk about
nailing down the rhythm section!!!....
Andy Fraser' bass playing really jumped out at me when I first
heard FREE.He really managed,along with Simon Kirk,to fill out the
FREE sound and ,for me,each member brought their own unique
talents to that band...I really envy anyone who was lucky enough
to have seen them live....They were the 'gold' standard by which
every other band of their type have been judged since.....
In the Blues/Rock Time continuum you have 2 dates: Bands that were
A.F...OR P.F... (ANTE-FREE) or (POST-FREE)!!!!
I recently purchased the Bad Company DVD 'Merchants of Cool'....He
hasn't lost it!!...If fact,if anything,Paul Rodgers looks and
sounds even better!!.. He must have a portrait up in the attic of
his house somewhere!!!
Thanks Lucy and Rob for creating such a great site...
Ádh mór oraibh go léir (Good luck to you all)!!" send
"My name is Chris Hoyles and I'm 20
from Manchester, UK. I've been a fan of Paul Rodgers since the early
90's when my dad got me in to rock music. I had heard of Free
because of 'All Right Now' then I listened to 'Free Live and 'Fire
and Water' and I was blown away by his voice and the music was great
too. Then I started listening to Bad Company and got hooked and have
been a fan ever since. Now I've found this site I'll always check
up. As the song says " All right now baby its all right
now" I am now I've found this site. See ya keep rockin!!!!"
send email
"I'm Darrell from the North East of England -
about 20 minutes from Paul Rodger's birthplace. Have followed Free
and Bad Co since I was old enough to recognise good music and now
I've passed 40 find that it's as important to me now as it was
when I was 12, 13, 14..... Would love to particpate in
converstaion with like-minded fans." send email
"Hi everyone I'm Dave from Rochdale England.
I'm 24 but have always been a fan of Free since I was a kid. My
dad used to play them non-stop along with ac/dc. My favourite
stuff is with Kossoff on, but the rest still stands up
proud!!!!!!!! love, light and peace!! send
Dave from Leigh, Lancs, England. "What a great thrill
to find such a great following internationally of (what I think) are the greatest band of
musicians in the world. I am a muso myself and these guys make me proud to be a Brit. I am
37 and have been a fan of Free / Bad Co and Paul for as long as I can remember. I had the
great privilege of jamming with Kos at Manchester Uni, just after the break up. And guess
what, man, could he play. I now play in a Bad Co / Free appreciation band called (pardon
the name) Bad Connection. The rest of the band are, unfortunately, too young to really
remember Free but don't worry, they are constantly being educated." send email
"Hi, my name is Drew from Glasgow just found
your website. I saw Koss twice with Back Street Crawler at the
Apollo and Rodgers and Kirke with Bad Co at the same venue. Never
did see Andy Fraser or all four together. First show with Kossoff
was without doubt the highlight of any band I had or have seen,
the man was immense from requests (just for the box) to a
blistering version of the Hunter even the BSC material was great.
Second show not so good but the man still had moments of
brilliance. Bad Co were ok too. Anyway nice to see there are so
many like minded people out there and thanks for giving me the
opportunity to tell a wider audience what I have been telling my
friends for years "Paul Kossoff was, and is, the greatest
guitar player ever." Cheers" send
"Hey to everybody out there listening to Free ...! My
name is George, I'm in Germany and seeking for other Free fans in Germany!!" send email
Gordon from Annan, Scotland. "I am
the biggest Free/Bad Co fan in this house! Although my six year old
loves to sing Shooting Star (and she's good!), she likes Fire and
Water too. Such taste for one so young. I'm interested in speaking
to anyone who wants to agree with me on what great bands these were
and indeed still are. The music is timeless. I sing in bands myself,
I'd like to think I have power and range (it's 'cause I mimicked PR
as a young boy - well maybe). Great site by the way - it's good to
know I'm not alone." send
"Hi, I am Graham from Hartlepool
which is near Middlesborough where Paul Rodgers was born. I have all
of Free's LPs. At the moment, I am reading Heavy Load which I got
for Xmas -- brilliant read. Forever Free fan." send
Ian from East Lothian, Scotland.
"First saw Free on UK's "Top of the Pops" when All
Right Now was released -- "What the hell is this?" I
gasped. I had NEVER seen such hairy people on TV! Of course, I
bought (or did I borrow / steal it from a friend?) the Fire and
Water album right away. The feeling they put into the title track,
as well as "Heavy Load", and others is still unbelievable
some 30 years later.
It's only now, at the age of 45, that I'm beginning to appreciate
what they were really about... very "minimalist", with a
view to letting the "gaps" make their own impact. Having
seen Paul Rodgers in concert three years ago, I truly believe him to
be one of the all-time great vocalists.
Now, I've been a guitarist all my life and it was (again) only
recently that I began to get my head around what Paul K was doing;
immense "feel" for the instrument, heavy strings, high
action, a predominance of 5th chord phrasing, and a vibrato to die
for -- perhaps an unfortunate turn of phrase because he was taken
from us at such an early age; a simplistic style, but played with a
passion and tone that none have since equaled...The Gibson Les Paul
as it SHOULD be played. For such a very young guy, Andy Fraser was
an immense bass player, and Simon Kirke just SO solid on the
I saw Kirke some years back in Frankie Miller's band (with Brian
Robertson, ex-Thin Lizzie, another maestro of the Les Paul!). Kirke
is one outstanding drummer and has obviously had a big influence on
many, including Russell, the drummer in my band (Blind Lemon, based
around Edinburgh).
I first saw Free on what was (probably) their first major UK tour at
Green's Playhouse in Glasgow. Was it 1971? I was certainly just
turned 15. Latterly known as the world-famous "Apollo",
Greens is, sadly, now a car park! I have seen MANY of the
"greats" in that hallowed venue! Of course, they opened
with "Fire and Water", which simply blew me away. Kossoff
could sustain a note with such passion, it made the hairs on the
back of my neck stand up.
A year or two later, I went to see them at the Kelvin Hall, but the
gig was cancelled due to Kossoff having apparently tripped (I'll
bet!) on some wiring and injured his head. I was angry with him for
that -- still am -- because I was denied a final chance to see them
on stage.
In my opinion, Bad Co didn't really "do it" for me --
Coming back up to date, my dear friend Mags passed away in December
1999. I read an address at her funeral -- you see, we were so close,
I was regarded as "family".
Now, as her affairs were later being put in order, I was invited to
plunder her music collection. There were several Free cassettes. One
night, about 8 days after she died, I had still to shed a tear, but
on that night I'd overdosed on "the grape" just a little,
and was listening to "I Love You So". I wept buckets,
uncontrollably and inconsolably. Even now that song, which I've
adapted for guitar / voice in my "solo" set, still moves
me to tears.
I must add at this point that I weigh 105K, I'm 6'3", and a
former policeman and rugby player -- I'm not one who's normally
given to displays of emotion, either overtly or privately. I guess
that just sums up exactly the sort of passion those guys put into
their music, and the legacy they left for us all.
Finally -- I would like some help to locate tablature and lyrics for
the Free catalogue. Various Web searches have failed to uncover
anything... can anyone please assist?" send
"My name is Isabelle. I'm 39, living in France and I'm
very fond of FREE (specially Paul Rodgers and Paul Kossoff). I'll be very happy to meet
some other fans of this gifted, unforgetable group. Wherever they can be...even in France
- no problems !!! I appreciate Paul Rodgers doing on his own for few years. His voice is
still powerful and wonderful, too (forgive my English - I guess I must still improve it
!!!). Thanks a lot for what you're doing ..." send
"My name is Jaanus, age 42, from Tallinn, Estonia.
Guitar player, composer and TV art directory. Big FREE fan since early seventies.
Greetings to all Free fans all over the world." send
"My name is Jacin..I'm from Barcelona,
(Spain).. and as i see, i'm the one from here in this site!!.....im
25. i play guitar.and me and a friend (who play drums), are
looking for an "Spanish- Paul Rodgers"....yes...we are
dreamers..i posted a lot of advertisments on the internet sayin'
...WE ARE LOOKIN FOR "THE VOICE".....he,he...fun,freak,
but true..." send email
Jeff (Londoner). "Greetings from
Brussels, the Capital of Europe. I play drums in a band covering a
few Bad Co. songs. Does anyone know where I can lay my dabs on some
decent drum tabs? I just can't find anything around and I don't have
the time to work thru the songs myself. Cheers and keep rockin'"
send email
"Hi. My name is Jim. It's a beautiful sunny day here in
London and I have taken something of a pilgrimage to Golbourne Mews to see
Koss' old
house. For those who have not seen it it is set beautifully in the middle of this charming
cobble stoned square. It looks pretty much as it did in the photo included in Heavy Load
taken in the seventies (although it has had a lick of paint). There should be a petition
to get a blue plaque on it (they are all over London, marking the home of a famous
person). Hendrix got one a couple of years back, the first 'pop star' to be
wouldn't Koss feel proud if he was the second? So I would love to hear from any Free fans
who are interested in trading tapes, I have a few interesting rarities but I would love to
get more, especially of the last tour in the UK (with Koss) & America (without
I have extensive Dead, Floyd, Phish, Traffic, Kinks etc, can anyone help?" send email
"I'm Julian and remember seeing Paul Rodgers, Paul
Kossoff and Simon Kirke supporting and backing Alexis Korner in a Blues club in Chester as
'Black Cat Bones' (must have been Autumn 1967) as a support act to Ainsley Dunbar
Retaliation. I was completely blown way - (I remember a couple of weeks/months later going
back to the same venue and seeing Robert Plant and John Bonham supporting and backing Tim
Rose as 'The Band of Joy'..)
I saw several Free gigs the following year, during the period before they came out with
'Tons of Sobs' - To cut a long story short I've ended up with nearly everything Kossof
recorded, most of what Free recorded and recently had the luck to see Paul Rodgers again
in Cambridge on the 21st February 2001.
I particularly enjoyed hearing Fire and Water and Ride on a Pony, although I'd have loved
to have heard some of the really early stuff. I still remember his previous gig in
Cambridge (a few years back) with Jason Bonham on drums with much pleasure...
Love the web site - found it completely by accident. Now I come to think of it, the venue
in Chester I mentioned (Quaintways), a few years later hosted the first gig outside of
London by Sharks (Andy Fraser & Chris Spedding ...)" send email
Ken from near Manchester, England. "I've been a fan of Free for
almost 30 years, the first track I heard was 'Woman' on a sampler album called 'Nice
Enough To Eat'. I went straight out and bought the album followed the next day by 'Tons of
Sobs'. The rest is history really. The first time I saw Free was in Glasgow in 1969 or '70
and there were more people locked outside than there were inside. I was also at the
fateful Black Street Crawler gig at Greens Playhouse in Glasgow when we were in tears at
the state Koss was in. It's strange though because we met him afterwards when he was
leaving and he seemed to be perfectly ok. I've always loved his playing though and tried
to get two of my kids who play guitar to learn from his economy and just listen to the
emotion and the space. Anyway, I could prattle on about Koss's playing and Free for hours,
it drives my wife and my kids crazy! I've been a member of FAS since about 1986, it's
amazing just how many of us still love the band and the music I can't believe just how
fresh the music sounds after all these years." send
Lasse from Finland. "I'll look in to buying the book on
Free! You know I just bought a Les Paul standard from my cousin and it looks just like
Koss' Les Paul (natural finish)! It is a very rare Les Paul, there aren't many in natural
finish!" send email
Manjeet, guy from Paris, France, is a fan of Free, Paul
Rodgers and some early Bad Co albums. "I play some guitar and would like to get my
hands on some Free tab. I also would like to get in contact with other fans all over the
world." send email
Marcus from Lancashire, England, age 23. "I am a member
of the Free Appreciation Society and would like to meet fellow younger fans of Paul
Rodgers, Free and Bad Company." send email
"My name is Marcus, I am 31 years old and live in Oslo,
Norway. Nice to know that there are people listening fo FREE. I play in a band called
Smokers Den and we do a cover of 'Be My Friend.' Greetings from norwegian vikodelic r'n b
drop outs." send email
"My name's Mark, I'm 26 and live in London, UK. I am
myself a musician and have always admired the voice of Paul Rodgers and the sound of Free.
I suppose I first heard Free when I was very young but only really started listening to
them about 4 years ago. I know Paul's still singing and hasn't lost it but I always wonder
what the Free sound would have been like if they hadn't split so sudden. I am into a wide
range of music but I feel that most of the popular music people listen to isn't really
going anywhere or offering us something new unlike the music of the late '60's and 70's.
The skills of the musicians in Free were extraordinary and Andy Fraser's bass playing was
exceptional as well as Kossoff's guitaring. There's not really any band nowadays that has
got remotely close to the Free sound, however, I hear people say that REEF are the next
Free......I don't think so!" send email
Mark from South East England. "I've seen Bad Company in
concert 6 times plus a number of concerts featuring both Boz and Paul in other bands. I
have a nice collection of concert photographs that I took at the Bad Co shows plus
autographs and a pair of Simon's drum sticks when I met the band backstage :-)" send email
"This is Martin from Rugby, England. I am absolutely
delighted to see that there are so many people from all over the world with such great
taste. I believe that I have a complete collection of all Paul's recorded works." send email
"Hi my name is michael ,born 1962 and I m a
free fan since 1972. collecting all live recordings. being a
classical violin player I started to play music not because of
mozart but of paul rodgers. never heard such an energy in music
touching me so deeply in my soul. the whole band was a real
phenomenon. and it is after all those years. last year I decided
to make an independent blues record with own songs, choosing the
artist name "mike rodgers". that's my small, unknown
tribute to this great music of a band that really changed my life
. if you want, lend an ear to "one man s blues" on my
page." send
"Hi, this is Mikki from Germany. I love all kind of
good rock music, especially BC, Free, Paul Rodgers and a lot more good stuff (Black
Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Man, Van Halen, Queen etc.)" send email
Nicolai from Germany, near Mannheim. "In my free time,
I spend very much time with music. Classical music. I'm playing piano, organ and have an
education as a singer. I'm singing very much in the classical area and am going very much
to operas, concerts, Salzburger Festspiele, Glyndebourne and so on. But if I hear the
voice of Paul Rodgers, I like it very very much again. Like in the times when I was
fourteen years old, back in 1976 when I first saw Bad Company. I know still it was the 4th
of April. It was very exciting for me and since this time I never lost my adoration for
Free, Bad Company and especially for Paul. I bought all LPs, songbooks, played every title
on piano, sang to the tunes and so on. You know what I mean!! What I like very much about
Paul is that he is still keeping on singing and singing. The 'old' people are the best. I
can not hear the new stuff, Techno and so. And it's fantastic that Paul knows so many
famous people from the British scene, also the new tour British Rock Symphony is
fantastic. And his voice is still very very good. I was very surprised to find a new CD
from him. It's very good, but not as good as his very very very good CD NOW." send email
Pete from Cambridge, England. FREE and Paul Rodgers fan who
thinks Paul Rodgers, Simon Kirke and Andy Fraser should bury their differences and get
together again, perhaps with Geoff Whitehorn on guitar. send email
"my name is peter,45. living in the area of
rotterdam in the netherlands. always been a free/BC fan and now
after the great gig at arrow classic rock in holland even more!!!
thanx guys for coming all the way to holland for this gig the crow
loved it!! and now please please please a european and/or UK tour."
send email
"Hi! My name is Radek. I come from Poland. I love FREE,
Rodgers, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath. Music of '70 is the best, I have ever heard. I wish
we will see in the future." send email
"Hi, my name is Ray Thompson born in
Liverpool UK – My favourite band has always been Free so then we
go to Paul Rodgers , Paul Koss , Andy & Simon & then the
story unfolds … after that is all history – Cheers" send
"Hi. I live in Cadishead near Manchester, my
age is strictly confidential but I am happily divorced and the
mother of three children. My only son is named after Paul Rodgers!
I also called one of my twin daughters Paula crazy I am. My
interest in the music of Free Bad Company etc goes back many
years, I have always liked his voice and style of music. This New
Years eve I watched him on channel BBC 2 and thought he was great.
I do like other kinds of music, Motown,Classical ,in fact most
kinds, I am not that keen on Jazz. Reita" send
Richard from London, England. "I have musically
worshipped Paul for the last 27 years. In February this year I had the pleasure of meeting
him in Portsmouth for a couple of hours. He really is the original 'nice guy.' I look
forward to speaking with fellow followers." send
"Hi..!..Richy from the Midlands, a guitar teacher by
trade, used to play in bands when i was younger!..although i am a very young looking 45
now..not too bad! i was very heavily influenced by Koss's playing and still am. i followed
with enthusiasm the free\mott\bad co. era and have seen ian hunter live many times in
recent years. haven't yet caught up with the free\bad co scene, but would dearly love to
meet up with other fans at gigs and conventions etc. as i quite often end up going to gigs
on my own. wouldn,t mind meeting a music-mad lady either as i am divorced and not
unattractive..ah well, worth a try!" send
Ricky from London, England. "I am a
pro musician ,and my main influence as a guitarist was koss,in fact
the first band i had we played im a mover and woman, i saw free a few
times and remember seeing them at uxbridge tech ,but this concert was
never mentioned in heavy load, i live in london and i am 48 years old
,what else can i say!!!" send
Roger from Gloucester, England. "I have been a huge
Free fan since I saw them at Cheltenham Town Hall in 1972. The atmosphere was absolutely
fantastic! I saw Paul Rodgers several times with Bad Company mainly at Colston Hall,
Bristol, and also with the Firm at the NEC in 1985. I was a member of FAS but let it lapse
as it seemed at the time that Rodgers would not be touring again. However, now he has
resurrected himself, perhaps it is time to rejoin [yes it is - Lucy]." send email
"Hello, my name is Santi and I am from Madrid
(Spain). I´m long time Free & Bad Company fan and I have all
records (at least I think so). Anyway I like to get all kind
material of these groups. Ahhh! I don´t like too much the
Queen-Rodgers union. Greetings" send
"Hello, my Name is Silke, 34 age I am a great
Bad Company Free and Paul Rodgers fan. I want pen friends from Germany
or speak German." send
"I'm Sjaak Hendriks from Nijmegen in Holland. I'm very
interest in all about Paul Rodgers, Free and Bad Company. I'm 47 years "old",
and I've seen at that time Free in my own town in Nijmegen, Holland. I've spoken with Andy
Fraser, personally, while he was here too with The Sharks! He's a very good bass-player.
Please send me E-mails! Thanks a lot!"
"Hi guys. My name is Stewart and I recently moved
backed to Scotland after living in Toronto for about ten years. I was fortunate enough to
see several of Paul's solo shows and meet him. I am finding difficulty getting a hold of
videos of the new Bad Company shows, like the one from the hard rock, and was wondering if
you could help me out by pointing me in right direction. I'd also like to thank you for
the fine job you guys do with the web page and info etc." send email
Tom from England. "Loved your web site. I am a big Free
fan from the '70s, and was lucky enough to see Paul Rodgers at Cheltenham Town Hall on his
recent UK Tour. Can anybody help me identify the country song which was covered by Bad
Company and included the lines: "It's past the point of right and wrong, lets's find
a way to just hold on" and "Ain't no time for sleepin' if our love is wearin'
thin, cause I ain't givin' up and you ain't givin' in." Both sets of lyrics are from
the same song but I have checked the Bad Company LP's I have and it ain't there, and
Wolfgang's Lyrics Page doesn't have them either. I'd be grateful for any help." send email
"My name is Vladislav. I like songs of Bad Company. My
friends are artists. They will want repeat this single (The Way I Choose) in Russia."
send email
"My name is Volker and I'm from Germany. As a huge fan
of Bad Company (Paul Rodgers) I'd like to contact other fans from around the globe. At
this moment I'm listening to KLOS radio in L.A. where Paul Rodgers is to appear in the
next few hours!! Great site that you've created for the fans!!!" send email
"You own an absolutely wonderful site of one of the
best bands in the world!" Vsevolod, Music Journalist / Joker-MK Newspaper, Moscow. send email
Walid from Cyprus. "I am a very big fan of Paul
Rodgers. He is the most soulful rock/blues singer I have ever heard! Would love to hear
from other fans. Interested to trade with people who have PR videos." send email
Wendy from Holland. "Hey! I started listening to an old
record of my mom's (I'm 17) yesterday of Free and I'm totally crazy about it. I went to
the library and borrowed another CD. It's so weird, I never heard of this band before
because it is really among my type of music. Is there anyone else under 19 who listens to
this band? Also, good page! Wish there were more!" send email
Wolfgang from Vienna, Austria. "One day, I got the FREE
Live record into my hands. I was very impressed by Koss' guitar work and Rodgers' voice
and ordered all the other FREE records the next day. Koss was and still is my favourite
guitarist. It took 15 years but now I have all original records." Wolfgang originally
maintained the FREE and Bad Company Homepage. send email
"Hi, I'm Yves from Belgium and I'll
be 48 soon. Music collector since I was 12 (none of those 45's, LP's
were the way to go). Free's complete output was -and still is- the
best body of work I have heard in all that time. And believe me I've
heard a lot! I had the privilege of seeing them live once when I was
14. It was on an Island package tour with Jethro Tull, Spooky Tooth
and Clouds. Marvelous stuff! Later on I saw Bad Company on their first
European tour, because of Paul's mighty voice. Koss was one of the
most dedicated guitar players I've ever heard, but Andy Fraser has
always been my favourite Free member. His funky stuff is what's
missing from the Heartbreaker album and yes, from BadCo too. I'm still
hoping that one day he will release another killer solo effort. C'mon
man make my day before it's too late!" send email |

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