Aaron from Indiana. "I've been a Bad Co fan for a long
time. My favorite is the original line up but I did like Brian Howe & Robert Hart. I
play drums in a good ol' rock n roll band called Driftin' South."
send email
"I am Adam from Cleveland, Ohio. I am a huge Paul
Rodgers fan and like to have in my possession everything that he has recorded. I had the
priviledge of meeting Paul at the Rock Hall of Fame where he performed an accoustic
version of 'Soul of Love.' I found out later that prior to his concert, he sang the
national anthem at the Cleveland Indians playoff game against the New York Yankees. Since
I have always wondered what it would be like to hear the best singer in the world perform
the national anthem, I am very disappointed that I was not able to witness his singing of
it." send email
Albert from Pennsylvania. "I am very much interested in
Free / Bad Co bootlegs, primarily outtakes or demos. OK, I'll say it ... I can't get
enough." send email
"I'm Andy from New York. I saw your website about the
Bad Co reunion and the new box set. I can't wait to see them live. I saw the Firm in 87
and Paul Rodgers in 10/97 at Tramps in New York. I think Paul will get in the Hall of Fame
with either Free or Bad Co." send email
"Hey...my name is Beth from Roanoke, VA. Been
a Bad Co. fan forever. I would love to be added to the fan list.
Any hope of a tour from these amazing musicians in 2006? Thanks so
much for this site, it's FANtastic!" send email
Bob from Alaska. "Thanks for the info on my favorite
group of all time." send email
"I am Bob, 39, and live in one of the blues capitals of
the world, St.Louis. Some of my other rock favorites are Black Sabbath, T.Rex, Tommy Bolin
and Mott the Hoople. I remember in the early 70's when I first heard "I'll be
Creepin" by Free. I believe that the 4 members blended the blues and rock like no one
else. I love Bad Co. and the world-class Paul Rodgers, too, but Paul Kossoff was a genius
who is, sadly, not remembered by most Americans. From "Tons of Sobs" to
"2nd Street" when I hear his riffs it still sends chills up and down my spine.
As a recovering alcoholic myself, it is like Koss ripped open all of the pain in his heart
for all to hear. I never got to see him or when Free came to St.Louis in the early 70's. I
did see Crawler here in 1978. I was thrilled to meet Terry Wilson and Tony Braunagel here
in the early 80's. They were in the band with Eric Burdon when he came to Mississippi
Nights. I specifically would like to hear of any Paul Kossoff info, stories, etc. Can
anyone tell me where he is buried at?" send
Brian from Maryland. "I've seen Paul twice in the last
2 years, both times at the night club Xhale in Frederick, MD. I've been a Rodgers' fan
since I was 9 years old and I'd listen to my older brother's Free album Fire and Water.
Since I'm 37, that means I've been listening to Paul for more than a quarter century. We
really need to do something about getting this icon his 'due.' It pains me to see these
guys who don't belong on the same stage as Paul all over VH1 and other shows. I mean,
seriously, who did Rodgers 'p... off' in the industry that inhibits this incredible talent
from getting overdue, long overdue, recognition. Please, help me understand, because
myself and a bunch of my buddies think it's a travesty that the music industry and fans in
general are missing out on this true legend." send
Brian from Minneapolis, Minnesota. "I'm a cosmic
offspring of Paul's. Among tons of stories regarding him ... the first time I heard his
new song "Holding Back the Storm", Stevie Nick's Bella Donna concert was on the
tele." send email
Bryan from New Jersey. "I am a huge Paul Rodgers fan,
primarily because of Free, but I love all the other stuff, too. I've got everything of him
that's been officially released, but I'm still looking for collector's odds and ends stuff
like videos and concert recordings. I'm a guitarist with a pretty good ear and I'd be
willing to write out transcriptions to any Free or vintage Bad Co tune, especially in
exchange for a tape." send email
"I am Chad from Stockbridge, Georgia. I love Bad
Company and I just started listening to Free about 2 years ago and they are just so good.
I saw Paul Rodgers about 3 years ago with Steve Miller, and last year he opened up for
Lynyrd Skynyrd, it was a great show." send
"Hello all, I'm Charles from New Jersey and I have been
a serious Paul Rodgers fan since 1971 when I first heard Alright Now, and even though I am
now a minister of the gospel I still love everything he puts his voice to and currently
have a pretty decent Paul Rodgers collection. Saw him perform recently in Atlantic City
and was also fortunate enough to meet & spend about 20 minutes with him after the
show. Even got my picture taken with him. A very warm & down to earth person he is.
What a night!!!! God Bless Paul Rodgers & all of you......Take care." send email
"Hello, this is Charlotte from
Arizona." send
Charlotte from San Francisco. "I have been a fan since
I was in high school, when BC first came out. It was earlier this year in Santa Barbara
that I became a 'true' fan and wanted to learn more about Paul and his musical history. I
love Paul's voice and all my favorite BC stuff. I am going to pursue more of the FREE
music in my continuing efforts." send email
Cheyene from Virginia. "I have been an avid fan of Bad
Co/Paul Rodgers since I was 14 years old and that has been some 20 years ago. I have seen
several of their and his concerts, and I am truly amazed at what great artists they are.
Especially Paul, his voice just melts my inner soul. And to this day, I still have a PR or
Bad Co CD in my deck at all times. No lie! I also have a scrap book, promotional albums,
and several other items that I have treasured over the years. Hell, I even had a drag car
in the early 80's called 'Straight Shooter.'" send
Christian, from Tennessee. "I am just writing to tell
you how much I love this site and, also, to tell you how excited I am that there are other
people out there who appreciate the greatest music in the entire universe. I am a 20-year
old vocalist from Tennessee (definitely NOT country) and I claim to be the biggest Paul
Rodgers fan alive but I'm more than happy to share that distinction with others who show
great taste. I CAN'T GET ENOUGH of Free, Bad Company, and Paul. Thanks for caring! God
bless." send email
Chuck from Baltimore. "I've been a fan of Paul and Free
since 1970. Have seen Paul in concert and met him. Looking for other fans to trade with.
Cheers.." send email
Coleen from Canada. "I am a big fan of Paul Rodgers. I
had the opportunity to hear him sing in 1995 at a club called Bourbon Street West in
Montreal. I'd like to express my appreciation for all the time and effort you have taken
to inform fans like myself and others of what's happening with the artists we love to hear
about." send email
"I'm Darren, a big fan of Paul
Rodgers from Tulsa, Oklahoma. I'm 33 years old, and began listening
to Bad Company at a very early age. That is what introduced me to
Free, and I've been a serious fan ever since. I'd like to thank Lucy
for her and her husband's classy website, as it has been a great
source of information, and inspiration to me for 2 years now.
I have just finished a 40 song tribute to Paul Rodgers, and it
contains a lot of unreleased live performances, studio out-takes,
and other "rarities" which have taken me many years to
compile. Being a graphic artist, I designed all of the artwork, and
everyone considers it to be a breath-taking acknowledgement of what
I consider to be by far the most talented vocalist of this, or any
other time.
Paul continues to amaze his fans, and what a class act to dedicate
some effort to the victims of New York, with the shows with The
Volunteers of America. The Poem from Simon is very moving, and can
us fans imagine Paul singing the National Anthem? I heard he sang it
at a Cleveland Indians baseball game against The Yankees, man, I'd
give anything to hear that rendition. Talk about heavy chills
running wildly down the spine of any dedicated fan of Rodgers!
Before attending the show in Oklahoma City, me and my friends were
killing time at The Zoo, when we all heard Paul rehearsing for the
concert to the tune of "Running with the Pack!" We were
admiring the Lion exhibit when we listened to Paul singing his heart
out, and I'll never forget the irony, as it was a most spiritual
experience that will stay with me "till the day I die."
I'd love to hear from fans all over the world, as I consider myself
to be one of his biggest fans." send
"My name is Dave and I have the fortunate opportunity
to own a night club in Lexington, Kentucky. I'm in the process of booking a date in June
99 with Paul Rodgers who I consider to be the greatest voice in rock and roll history. I
can see, I'm not alone!" send email
"I'm David from New Jersey. I'm new to this
computer/internet stuff as I've recently acquired one about a month ago. I'd like to thank
you for your great website and overall enthusiasm. I too absolutely am blown away by
Paul's music. His voice is like no other and the emotions he touches on in his songs
really strike a chord with me. It's been great to learn that there are other PR devotees
on this planet who enjoy his music as deeply as I do. I am in the frame of mind that any
TRUE Paul Rodgers fan is a friend of mine." send
Dawn, in the Boston area. "Hi to all the Paul Rodgers
fans out there. I have been a fan my whole life and had the beautiful chance to meet him a
few times. He is the best!!!" send email
Dawn-Marie from Mt. Carroll, Illinois. "Major Free,
Original Bad Company fan as well as my idol Paul Rodgers. Have been a fan for many years
and a big supporter. Met Paul last year in Dubuque after a show and to be honest, he's
better than what I had in my mind as a performer and person as well. He really appreciates
his fans as much as we appreciate him. Looking for people to share photographs, video ...
anything of Paul!!!" send email
Debbey from Toronto, Canada. "I am a very big fan of
'Paul Rodgers Music' including The Law. If anyone knows where I may get another copy of
The Law, I sure would appreciate it, as my copy is starting to skip (this is supposed to
be the CD age, they're not supposed to skip)." send
"My name is Debbie, from Texas. I grew up with Free and
Bad Company. Just love Paul Rodgers. He can really sing the songs so very well. I have
collected everything from Free to Bad Company to his solos. I try to go to the record
shows that we have twice a year in Austin and I am always looking for boot-legs to imports
to what ever I can find. If I had a choice of a favorite band, it would be Free and Bad
Company (or as long as it has Paul singing). I would always say Paul Rodgers!! I am a 35
female and just became deaf last year due to an illness and I am not able to hear anymore.
But I do have a Cochlear Implant I got just last month and will soon be able to hear
again. And the first thing I want to hear is Paul's voice. I hope GOD will grant me that.
I can say I have had the last 34 years of my life listening to his music and I will never
forget what he sounds like....NEVER....his voice will be embedded in my brain until the
day I die. Stories Told and Untold.... Forever a Fan -- Debbie" send email
Ennio from Toronto, Canada. FAS member and friend of Lucy.
"I was lucky enough to have met Paul Rodgers in Toronto during his 95 tour. It was
terrific meeting him." send email
"Hello, my name is Evan, I'm from Mitchell, South
Dakota, and I love FREE. They're one of my all time favorite bands. They were such an
amazing group. The first LP I heard was FREE LIVE!, it became one of my top 10 favorite
LPs of all time. It took me a long time but I was finally able to import all of FREE on
CD. Paul Kossoff is one of my biggest guitar influences, he was a master. My band ALADDIN
SANE is a 70's style hard rock band. FREE along with Led Zeppelin, 70's Aerosmith, my fave
band THIN LIZZY, Humble Pie, and Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac have a big influence over our
band. We are currently looking for a new bass player." send email
Frank from Bethlehem. "Back in 1970, I was in a band in
high school. We were known as The Max Blatt Blues Band, and attempted to cover Led
Zeppelin, ZZ Top and most of all Free. I was the vocalist. There were four of us and we
went no where fast. In June of 1971, we all bought tickets to see Mott The Hoople open for
Free at the Fillmore East. At last, we would see and hear the masters, Free in person. We
loaded up the off-white VW micro-bus and drove 80 miles east. Much to our chagrin, the
concert was cancelled due to illness in the band. No fiurther details were available.
Dissappointed, we drove home and had our own gig. That was our last performance as well.
Paul Rodgers has left a definitive mark on me and to this day when I hear "Walk In My
Shadow" , tears well up. Not because I am melancholy but because I missed what we
hoped would be the performance of a lifetime. Thank goodness for recordings. I am still
and will always be a Free/Badco fan. Please e-mail
me and share your thoughts and stories."
Geetoman from Toledo, Ohio. "I'm a big fan of Bad Co
and I want to learn their songs on the guitar (Silver, Blue, etc). I can't find any good
Bad Co tab music. I was hoping maybe you knew of some. Thank you." send email
"Hi, I'm George from New York City.
I'm a fan of both Free and Bad Company and of course Paul Rodgers. I
have seen the Bad Company with it's original line up in the Greek
Theater in Los Angeles. It was summer of 1999. Amazing. I play bass
and sing in a band and we play some Bad Company songs plus Alright
now. Looking forward to talk with fans. You all take care." send email
Glenn from Delaware, USA. send email
"Hello! My name is Greg and I'm a musician
from Stratford, CT. Unfortunately, I never caught Free live, but
their music has found a home in my heart. I'm a huge fan of the
U.K. Blues boom of the late sixties/early seventies, and I keep
the flame alive in my own music. I really appreciate the sincerity
of fans of this music....... there is a romance and a melancholy
that is hard to describe. I find myself checking Lucy's site
almost every day - I just had to add my name to this list! Thank
goodness for the Internet! Please feel free to e-mail me. Peace!
-G" send email
"Hi, my name is Goran. My background is Croatian and I
have listened to Paul and the band from the early seventies. I live now in Toronto and I
would love to see the "Reunited Band" Live. If they are scheduled to appear in
Toronto please let me know." send email
Guy from New York. "Please include me with my fellow
Bad Company fans." send email
Howard from San Diego, California. "I am an original
BadCo fan from the 70's and have followed Paul's music since the split -- especially
interested in his blues related work." send
Irene from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan! "From the
time I first heard a Free song in High School up to this very moment, I've loved Paul
Rodgers' sensual, soul-drenched vocals. I've followed Paul's music through Free, Bad Co.,
The Firm as well as his solo career with nothing but anticipation for more. I just
"Can't Get Enough." Unfortunately I've never had the opportunity to see him in
concert. Living in a remote area of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan doesn't rend itself to
attending concerts easily but, I'm overwhelmed with the anticipation of seeing him in
Oshkosh, WI on June 22, 2000 after (oh, God!) a 30-year wait! I know it'll be worth it! I
only hope to be as close to the stage as possible and savor every euphoric minute! My
17-year old son, who's a Bad Company fan himself, has volunteered to be my chaperone ;-)
I'd like to thank Lucy for this great website and the opportunity to meet with people who
have the same passion for these great musicians. Also, thank you for the recent
"chat" with Paul. It's was an awesome thrill!" send email
Jack from Indianapolis, USA, would like to hear from other
Paul Rodgers fans. "I've been a fan since the early Bad Co days to the present NOW
CD, which is the best thing he's done in quite some time, I might add.
Outstanding!!!" send email
"My name is Jacob. I'm from Denison, Texas. I'm
18, and i've been a fan of FREE since i was 15 when i picked up an
issue of Vintage Guitar Magazine at a guitar show in Dallas that
featured Paul Kossoff on the front cover. I cant tell you how many
times i read that article on him. He is now one of my two favorite
guitar players(the other being Robin Trower). FREE is also one of
my favorite bands. Everyone of them was a master at what they did.
It frustrates me how Koss doesnt get the recognition he really
deserves. Which is sad because he was one of the PUREST guitarists
ever. No effects, just a les paul, marshall amp, and a whole lotta
soul. I'm wanting to find out as much info about him as possible,
if anyone can help me out, it would be deeply appreciated. And
since Andy is my favorite bass player, i'd like to know more about
him as well. Hope to hear from some fellow FREE fans. Thanks
everyone, and thanks to Lucy and Rob for their wonderful website."
send email
Janice from Phoenix. "I have been a
fan of Bad Co and Free for many years...love the music and LOVE Paul
Rodger's voice. He is truly awesome live! Looking to hear from other
fans of Bad Co/Free/PR or anyone who loves classic rock...email me
anytime!" send email
"Hi, my name is Jean and I live in
Wisconsin. I am 32 and have been a Bad Co. fan since the early 90's.
Back in 1991, or 92 I went to a concert in Madison Wisconsin. I have
to admit that i had actually gone because i knew someone who was
getting me back stage to meet Ted Nugent. (Bad Co. was touring with
Damn Yankees at the time.) I really had no idea who Bad Co. was back
then.(I was into heavier music at the time.) Well, needless to say, I
saw the show and got hooked. And I was fortunate enough to get to meet
the band. They were charming and so down to earth. Ted didn't seem to
matter much after a short chat with Simon Kirke. He was awesome. Since
then I have listened to their music, both past and present,
faithfully. I hadn't gotten the chance to see them live again until
this year and they still rock. I hope I get a chance to see them again
soon. Well, the email address that comes up when I send this isn't the
one I use. So, if anyone is interested in getting a message to me, it
would be at ladysilvermoon2000@yahoo.com. I love to meet new people.
Peace and Love to anyone reading this." send
"My name is Jeff and I'm a major Free/Bad Company
(original line-up only) fan living in the Philadelphia area. I never saw Free live but I
was fortunate to see Bad Company on every tour until Paul's split. I'm interested in
finding Bad Company live/outake material if it's out there somewhere. I have all the
B-sides (original singles!!!) but only one live show which is poorly recorded (I have
Paul's Woodstock show with Andy & Slash as well as Paul's re-recordings of Free Bad Co
stuff released with the "Muddy Blues" disc). But I do have great memories of
those wonderful shows. As far as Free goes, they are still my favorite band of all-time.
I'm always interested in adding to my collection as well as turning others on to mine.
Let's trade. Thanks for your effort to keep FREE ALIVE!" send
"Hi, I'm Jennifer from New York. I
first would like to thank Lucy and her husband for the great site and
for giving us an outlet to talk about these great artists. I'm 41 one
now and have been listening to Bad Company since high school. I
remember when I first heard "Feel like making love." I was
so embarrassed as I was walking home with some boys I grew up with
that I sang "feel like making cookies!" I just couldn't say
"love." Of course, they laughed at me, like they always did.
That was my first intro to them, I guess I was 14. I was really the
only one who paid attention to Bad Company out of my immediate group
of friends. I could not help but love them. As years went by, no
matter what, if they came on the radio, my heart would just melt. That
voice, that unique and precious voice - that unique and precious sound
- it's theirs and theirs alone - no one can touch them. Being from New
York, I was devastated by the 9/11 attacks, as was the world. I would
frequent the city before but was extremely fearful after. One day I
was playing with my son in June and heard the free view concert and
flipped out!! I went online to see their tour schedule and bought
tickets that day, without hesitation. My fear was gone. Fear of the
train, fear of Grand Central, cabs, etc. etc......just gone. Bad
company got me over my horror and needless to say, it was the best
time I've had in so, so many years. I wish they played another night -
just take it all in. The concert was like a blur as I was tooooooo
excited. We had 3rd row center seats. After, we had the extreme good
fortune to meet Simon and he signed a drumstick from the show. He was
so nice and down to earth - seemed just like us. Being a huge Yankee
fan, I wish I had seen Paul sing the National Anthem. With a policeman
for a husband, I also wish I had seen the tribute concert. Although
tragic, It was nice for the police to get positive recognition for
once. Thank you. Well, what more can I say other that I will continue
to follow and admire Paul, Simon, and Bad Company. I hope we have many
more years in which to do so. I can't wait until their next concert
and hopefully I'll be able to see more than one. My 20 month old son,
James, is now a big fan too. He loves when I put on the video and he
dances and plays air guitar. He makes me lift him to the screen so
that he can touch Paul's face. He tries to get the drumstick Simon
signed but sorry, that's for his memory box. He sings the words best
as he can. He melts my heart and I'm glad he's a fan along with his
mommy. Thanks for letting me ramble on. It's nice to be a part of
something so uplifting and positive such as this website. Smiles to
all - Jennifer Fara (NY) send
Jerry from Nashville, Tennessee. Paul Rodgers fan. Would
love to see some 1970's BadCo live videos. send email
"I'm Jim from Massachusetts and I've been a Bad Co fan
since getting all their albums on (promise not to laugh ...) 8-Track. I've seen them twice
in concert, for Holy Water and Company of Strangers. Is there a mailing list for Bad
Company? I recently picked up the Stories Told and Untold CD, I think it's great. I also
enjoy listening to my two The Firm cassettes and wish I could find them on CD. Other
favorite bands include Boston (I've made a theme pack and screen saver), The Who and
Aerosmith." send email
"Hi, my name is Jim. I live in the San Francisco Bay
area. I'm a fan of Free, Bad Company, solo Rodgers and feel Paul Rodgers is a great
singer. I have enjoyed Free since the early 1970's. They were a first rate band --
brilliant. Aside from seeing Jimi Hendrix live summer 1970, Free is the only other band
I've never seen." send email
Jim from Tennessee. "What a great website. I'm a
long-time fan of FREE and was lucky last summer to meet Paul Rodgers at an outdoor concert
at the former Knoxville World's Fair site. He autographed some album and CD covers for me,
too! I have almost all their albums but would like to find a clean, inexpensive used CD of
'Tons of Sobs' to complete the collection. Other interests: any act that recorded for
A&M in the late 60s and early 70s." send email
Jim from Wisconsin. "Paul Rodgers is THE man but Robert
Hart comes close! E-mail me and we'll chat about BadCo and Paul." send email
John from Baltimore. "Does anybody anywhere have a
recording of the rare Free b-side "Sugar for Mr. Morrison"? I'd love to hear
it." send email
John from the USA. "I am a BadCo / Free / Mott the
Hoople / The Firm / The Law / all solo stuff fanatic. Would love to correspond with other
fanatics all over the world and discuss in-depth everything related to the above
bands." send email
Judy from San Jose, California. "Hi all: you guys
(Lucy/Rob) have an outstanding website. I like to check it regularly for the latest PR
news... I'm definitely a new Paul Rodgers fan after seeing him this year in Morgan Hill,
CA (was very close to stage), Los Angeles and -- am totally excited to be seeing him next
week (Oct 5) in Fresno. Tom from Fresno, hope to see you there! I've been a blues fan for
many years now, but also like classic rock, ie Pink Floyd, Stones, Jethro Tull, YES. I
don't know where my brain was last year when Bad Co got together for their reunion tour. I
just hope that they get together again soon and tour US! Did anyone see him at the Muddy
Waters Tribute last Sunday? I am looking for a live recording but haven't found anything.
When will you be coordinating another email chat with Paul? I read the chat from
January and was completely intrigued. Paul seems like a totally down to earth guy and some
of the responses cracked me up! What a sport. I hope he had a good time with it. I'm not
sure if he has the time to answer his own website email - maybe after his tour is complete
this year. And to that...we'll miss him. Again, hope he can come back to the states, solo
or with Bad Co after this year's Electric tour. SEE YOU IN FRESNO!" send email
Karim from Vancouver, Canada. "I've been a PR devotee
since the early '70s. His voice and singing style are unequalled. I met him in August 1997
in Vancouver and heard him perform 3 songs with just an accoustic guitar and a mike. Would
love to hear from others. Have a rare version of House of New Orleans on tape (good
quality recording) with Neil Schon on guitar. Also have a partial recording of Hey Joe
(accoustic) from the Rockline interview in '93. Desperately searching for the full
recording." send email
from Canada
Kenney from Boston. "I am primarily a Bad Co fan but I
also have several Free discs as well as the Hendrix set." send email
Krisitina from Tennessee, USA. "I would like to be
contacted by other fans!!!" send email
Landon from Oklahoma City, USA. "I am a young medical
student. I'm so glad to hear that there are other people with the same love of music (Paul
Rodgers, Bad Company)." send email
"This is Leah from Connecticut. Even though I am just
18, I was raised on rock like Bad Company. I love them. They speak for a generation. I
wish our generation had something to sing about like making love :) Well, your page is
awesome." send email
Lex from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "I have been a Paul
fan since 1970 and Free but Bad Co was and is my favorite band of all time. I love
everything Paul does but Bad Co holds special memories for me. They got me through all
that teenage angst :-) I would love to correspond by email with other huge Paul fans,
especially the 1970's Bad Co." send email
Lisa from Kalamazoo, Michigan. "I am a Bad Co Fan from
way back and enjoy everything that they have put out - new and old. My husband plays the
guitar and has had a really hard time finding TAB transcriptions of our favorites. In
particular, Seagull. Do you know where to look? As huge as this band is, I find it
unbelievable that nothing has been published at all." send email
Marty from Mississippi. "Let me just say how wonderful
I think the site is. Y'all have done a really great job with it. I am a huge Bad Co fan
and have all their CD's. I would just like to meet other people who have the same interest
as I do of the best group of all time and one of the best voices of all time in Paul
Rodgers. Thanks so much, Rob and Lucy, for giving us fans of them a chance to share the
greatness they are." send email
"Hi I'm Maureen from Worcester MA. I'm a Paul
Rodgers fan. Mostly Free and Bad Co. But I love anything he does.
I just bought tickets to Queen and I'm real excited to see Paul.
Haven't seen him live since mid eighties. I've been listening for
30 years. Please add me to the list. I'd love to meet some people
that are also interested or that are going to the show in
Worcester Ma. on March 10. I'm actually going alone.Thanks, I'm
glad I found this site. Moe." send
M.C. from Westland, Michigan, USA. "I am interested in
all and everything about Paul, Bad Co, Free, The Firm ... and any other group they have
started." send email
Mike from North Carolina. "Bad Co has been my favorite
band since I first discovered their debut album in '74 (it was my uncle's, I'm 29 years
old). They had a major influence on me even at such a young age ... now I hear they're
reuniting ... I've been waiting for this day literally for 14 years!" send email
Natalie from Massachusetts, USA. Paul Rodgers fan. Also a
fan of Marc Bolan / T.Rex. Involved in the creation of a web site about Bolan's career in
the U.S. send email
Neil and Bonnie, from the Canadian East Coast. "Finding
this web site might change my life!! I would appreciate getting in touch with other FREE
fans." send email
Phil in Oregon. "I never saw Free live ... in fact the
first time I saw Paul Rodgers live was this past year when he was last in Portland with
Kenny Wayne Shepherd and Lynyrd Skynyrd. I went together with my son who grew up listening
to all my old vinyl albums. Paul Rodgers is a gifted vocalist and Paul Kossoff was a
gifted guitarist (not to mention Andy Fraser being probably the most innovative bass
player of the modern rock era ... and Simon Kirke being about as good as a drummer as
there is)." send email
"Hi! My name is Randy and I live in Maryland. I'm 40
years old and have been collecting records, going to concerts, and have been in love with
Rock 'n Roll music since I was in high school. I've seen Paul numerous times in concert.
My favorite groups include The Who, Led Zeppelin, Free, BC and, of course, Paul Rodgers.
Cheers." send email
Ron from Canada. "Hi, I've been a big fan of Bad
Company for years and have been lucky to meet Paul and his girlfriend in my store. They've
dropped by quite a few times and they seem to be madly in love with each other (she's a
real looker and quite the catch). Paul was sooo nice and down to earth. We gabbed for a
while about everything, Bad Company...the weather...Brian Adams, etc. I've met a few
celebrities in my lifetime but I have to say Paul Rodgers is the real thing! He's a
rock'en Roll star with a good head on his shoulders." send email
Sam from San Diego, California. Guitarist and singer of band
OCEAN. Plays a number of Paul Rodgers songs, likes FREE, BAD CO, FIRM. send email
Scott from Cincinnati, USA. "I'm glad to find out there
are so many fans like me. I'm interested in any info on Free, BadCo, Paul and meeting any
other people who need to join a Free, BadCo, Paul support group. I am a guitar player. Any
info on bootlegs, concerts, original Free records, Paul Kossoff or just chatting about our
addiction is welcome. Hope to hear from some of you. Guess I'll be 'On My Way' " send email
"My name is Steve. Have been a fan of
free&bad company since the 70`s love the mixture of blues
& rock most people think I'm a dinosaur but I don't care. It
takes me back when I had long hair would have loved to have seen
free. Are there any dvds of them?" send
Synthuser from Sonoma, California. "I have loved this
band since I was 10 when I would sneek into my older brother's room and listen to Fire
& Water. Of course I would scratch it and he would kick my butt :) But it didn't
matter! I think I became a musician because of such heartfelt honest music. Thanks for
sharing! I loved reading it. Also, would love to find some of the old Back Street Crawler
stuff." send email
Teresa, from Princeton, New Jersey. "Just
found this website for the first time tonight. Thanks to Lucy and
Rob for putting this together - it's a gift! I've been listening
to, and loving, Free since 1970*and it's great to find so many
other people who love their music as much as I do. (*When I was in
high school, my best friend and I used to sneak home from school
to listen to Free - sometimes we'd never make it back for our
afternoon classes.) While I've since moved on to add Stevie Ray
Vaughan and Steve Earle to my list of favorite musicians, Free
will always hold a special place in my heart. I'm particularly
haunted - in a good way - by Paul Kossoff's guitar, so would enjoy
hearing from any Kossoff fans. (Of course Paul Rodgers has by far
the best voice in rock & roll, and is completely amazing, but
we all know that, so there's not a whole lot more to say on that
topic. It's literally impossible to hear this man's voice and NOT
feel good!) Anyone who loves Free's music - if you just want to
write and say how much you love it, I'll be happy to hear from
you. (...Favorite Free songs? Tell me your top 3 favorites -if you
can choose- and why!) The world could use a band like Free today;
if anyone knows of any bands making music like Free's in spirit,
let me know. Thanks again, Lucy and Rob!" send email
Tim from Missouri. "I am intereeested in hearing from
all Paul Rodgers fans. I have been a fan from the day I heard the tune Bad Coompany. I am
interested in trading and discussing videos available on Paul and his various
associations. Or just drop a line to say hi. Thanks. E-mail me at Arnold@ccp.com."
Tim from Virginia. "I used to play in a band in my
younger years. In fact, we used to do "Good Lovin' Gone Bad." I have been a fan
of Bad Company since day one. I like Free as well but don't know as much about them. I've
seen Bad Company twice, once in 1977 on the Burnin' Sky tour. And once in 1991. The 1977
show was great because B.C. had to play the whole show by themselves with no opening act.
It was probably the best concert I've ever seen. I have all of their records and have many
fond memories of listening to their music." send
Tina from Virginia. "I have really enjoyed this site.
Bad Company "the original" has always been my favorite band. When Paul left, I
tracked down old Free albums and enjoy those also. The anthology album is super - Smokin
45 is my favorite. Would like to hear from other fans." send email
Tom from California. "I live in Fresno. I have been a
fan of Paul's for years. I first saw Free as an opening act for Traffic in St. Louis in
the early 70's. I caught Bad Company three times in Chicago and I saw The Firm in Oakland.
I also saw Paul Rodgers and Company with Steve Miller in Fresno a couple years back. This
summer I saw Paul opening for Lynyrd Skynyrd in September in San Francisco and then at The
Fillmore in October." send email
Toni and Rita from Chicago, USA. "We have followed PR
since the Free days. Rita is a huge fan and I (Toni) have been her sidekick in these
adventures. We met Paul in the Bad Co days and have seen him everytime he has been through
Chicago. Going this Friday (7/18/97) to see him at the House of Blues. Stories to tell and
would love to hear some." send email
Tonya from Wisconsin, USA. "I am a HUGE fan of Bad
Company! I went for my first tattoo and could not think of anything that I wanted more
than the band's logo. It turned out great and I was very proud to show it off!" send email
Wendy from Michigan. "I love everything Paul has ever
done but a few of my favorites are 'Too Bad' from the Burning Sky album and 'Mr. Big'. And
no matter how many times I hear 'Can't Get Enough', I can't get enough of it. It would be
nice to talk to people who want to discuss my favorite subject." send email
Willy from Maryland, USA.
Would like to receive lyrics of FREE and Bad Company songs. send email |

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